Matteo Turchetti

I am a second year student in the MSc Course in Biotechnology. I have a strong background in text editing, information retrieval and bibliography software. I have offered the College dissertation course in 2018/18.


Dissertation Writing  (All Courses)

01. Prima di iniziare
02. La stesura passo per passo
03. Discussione e bibliografia
04. Attendance



Antonio Contino

I am a final year student in the Communication, Information and Media Technology Course. I have a strong interest and considerable experience in web design and offered the College Course in 2017/18.


Web Design (All University Courses)

01. Introduzione HTML
02. Esercitazione HTML/CSS
03. Introduzione CSS
04. Form, tabelle, tag avazanti (HTML5) & CSS
05. Javascript
06. CMS e WordPress
07. Attendance


Ingrid Ouandji

I am a third year undergraduate student entolled in the Pharmacy Course. I am a member of College since October 2017 and a native French speaker with a strong interest in language studies. I offered the  College French Course from November 2017 to March May 2018.


French Language 2017/18 (All Courses)

01. Lectures 01-05
02. Lectures 06-10
03. Lectures 11-15
04. Lectures 16-20
05. Attendance

Claudio Neidhöfer

I am a final year medical student enrolled in the Harvey Course at the University of Pavia currently writing my dissertation in the Unit of Immunology and General Pathology of the Department  of Molecular Medicine.  My main fields of interest are the prevention, treatment and possible reversal of the atherosclerotic process.  Beside being a native German speaker I have been teaching German for several years and offered the 2017/18 Course in College.


German Language (All University Courses)

01. Lectures 01-10
02. Lectures 11-20
03. Lectures 21-30
04. Lectures 31-40
05. Attendance


Giuliano Patanè

I an Italian medical student with a strong personal interest in biochemistry, a fascinating subject, fundamental for a deeper understanding of the molecular basis of disease. I have offered supervisions in Biochemistry to College undergraduates enrolled in the medical course taught in Italian (Golgi Course).


 Biochimica (Corso di Laurea: Medicina e Chirurgia in lingua Italiana)

01. Proteine, struttura, esempi e funzionamento
02. Fosforilazione ossidativa
03. Metabolismo glucidico
04. Catabolismo lipidico
05. Ciclo di Krebs
06. Biosintesi dei lipidi
07. Metabolismo degli amino acidi
08. Membrane biologiche
09. Trasduzione del segnale
10. Replicazione del DNA
11. Sintesi proteica
12. Riepilogo per esame
13. Attendance



Niccolò Di Dio

I am a second year student in the MSc Course in Civil (Construction) Engineering. I have a strong interest in Mathematics and Physics and I have offered supervisions in the General Physics Course for undergraduates of the Chemistry and Biology Courses.


 Fisica Generale (Corsi di Laurea: Chimica, Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche, Scienze Biologiche, Biotecnologie)

01. Moto in una dimensione
02. Vettori
03. Moto in due dimensioni
04. Dinamica e forze
05. Energia di un sistema
06. Quantita' di moto e urti
07. Rotazione di un corpo rigido attorno ad un asse fisso
08. Carica elettrica, legge di Coulomb, campo elettrostatico (O Najlani)
09. Capacita', condensatori, mezzi dielettrici, corrente elettrica (O Najlani)(O Najlani)
10. Campo elettromagnetico, forza di Lorenz, legge di Ampere(O Najlani)(O Najlani)
11. Momento angolare e oscillazion1
12. Meccanica dei fluidi
13. Attendance

Omar Najlani

I am a final year undergraduate student in Industrial Engineering at the University of Pavia. My main interests focus on the computer science and Mathematics and I have been contributing to the College teaching of both these subjects. I have also offered supervisions on selected topics of a General Physics Course.


 Matematica  (Corsi di Laurea: Chimica, Chima e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche, Scienze Biologiche, Biotecnologie)

01. Insiemi, intervalli, equazioni algebriche, disequazioni algebriche, trigonometria, geometria analitica nel piano
02. Grafico di una funzione reale, grafici e proprietà di alcune funzioni elementari, uomini delle funzioni più' comuni, funzioni composte
03. Funzioni elementari, teoremi sui limiti: teorema diunicita' del limite, teorema di permanenza del segno, teorema del confronto, operazioni sui limiti
04. Limiti notevoli, definizione di continuità', discontinuità' di prima, seconda e terza specie, teoremi sulle funzioni continue
05. Numeri complessi, forma algebrica dei numeri complessi, complesso coniugato, modulo e fase, rappresentazione in forma trigonometrica, formula di Eulero, rappresentazione in forma  esponenziale, formule di De Moivre, serie n, utilizzo, scale semi logaritcmicheumeriche, carattere della serie, alcune proprietà' serie notevoli, scale logaritmiche
06. Polinomi di Taylor, derivate, retta tangente, derivate fondamentali, regole di derivazione, monotonia e segno della derivata, massimi e minimi
07. Concavita' e derivata seconda, funzione convessa, funzione concava, punti di flesso, criterio della derivata seconda, teorema di Fermat, teorema di Lagrange, studio di funzione
08. Introduzione al calcolo integrale, integrale definito, proprietà' dell'integrale definito, funzioni primitive, integrale indefinito, integrali indefiniti immediati
09. Teorema di Torricelli-Barrow, teorema fondamentale del calcolo integrale, integrali impropri, integrazione per sostituzione, integrazione per parti
10. Problema di Cauchy, equazioni differenziali lineari del primo ordine, equazioni differenziali a variabili separabili, equazioni differenziali lineari del secondo ordine
11. Grafico per funzioni di due variabili, linee di livello, derivate parziali, gradiente, derivate direzionali, piano tangente al grafico di una funzione di due variabili, teorema di Schwartz
12. Riepilogo
13. Attendance


Fondamenti di Informatica  (Ing Elettronica e informatica, Ing Industriale, Bioingegneria)

01. La shell, hello world, shortcut
02. Variabili e tipi, esercizio
03. Flowchart, strutture di controllo
04. Esempi svolti
05. Esempi svolti cdd, calcolo media
06. Vettori, funzioni
07. Ordinamento, massimo e minimo, trova stringa
08. File I/O in C
09. Lettura con gets e scanf()
10. Attendance

Antibiotic Resistance

23rd May 2018.  
Esther Kuenzli, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute,  Basel

On the 23rd of May Esther Kuenzli, of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and the University of Basel, will give a seminar on International spreading of antibacterial resistance at 3.00 pm in the College lecture theatre.

International travel has become on important mechanism for the spreading of antibacterial resistance and notably the spreading of Enterobacteriaceae able to produce extend spectrum be lactamases, enzymes able to inactivate one of the major classes of antibiotics currently available.  E Keuenzli will discuss the impact of international travel on the spread of antibacterial resistance and measures to counteract this major medical problem.

All College students are warmly invited to attend this seminar lecture, espcially students reading Medicine, Biology, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences.  The poster of the lecture can be downloaded here.

Image: World map of antibiotic resistance. From S Reardon. Nature 509:141, 2014

Multiresistant Tuberculosis

22nd May 2018.  
Daniela Cirililo, Institute S Raffaele, Milan

On the 22nd of May Daniela Cirililo, of the Scientific Institute S Raffaele in Milan, will give a seminar on Multiresistant Tuberculosis at 3.00 pm in the College lecture theatre.

Tuberculosis, a complex infectious disease caused by the bacterium M tuberculosis, is one of the diseases that have shaped the course of human history and that remains inadequately controlled.  Although a vaccine has been available for nearly a century, its efficacy is limited limited and a number of M tuberculosis strains resistant to the antibiotics currently available have emerged over time. D Cirillo will discuss mechainsms of resistance and the impact of the emergence of multiresistant strains for the control of tuberculosis.

All College students are warmly invited to attend this seminar lecture, espcially students reading Medicine, Biology, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences.  The poster of the lecture can be downloaded here.



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