Wednesday, 03 October 2018 07:13

Library Support

Formal College library support, which involves cataloguing new books and journals and providing a loan service to the members of Volta, will only start early November as a result of the broad changes that EDiSU is introducing about students' paid contributions. These changes were outlined by M Aramini, Director General of EDiSU, during the General College Assemby of 1 October 2018.

The College needs to provide a library loan service even during the month of October, however, and I am calling on the members of Volta to step forward, give a bit of their time to the College community and provide basic library support starting from Monday the 8th of October.  Service is between  6.00 and 7.00 pm Monday to Friday in a small office near the Director's office and students willing to help will find that they can use most of that time for their own revision in between loan requests.  Applications in writing to the College Director.

Image: the JTM Needham College library (photograph by former Volta undergraduate S Tondi).

Wednesday, 03 October 2018 06:55


P Carretta, Dean of the undergraduate Physics Course will give an informal introdction to the Course and take questions from Volta students today 3 October 2018 at 6.00 pm in the board room (ground floor, adjacent to the porter's desk). The Physics undergraduate Course is a challenging one and the College named after A Volta leaves no stone unturned in order to ensure that College students reading Physics will succced in their studies. All Volta Physics undergraduates are invited to participate. Participation is compulsory for freshers. The poster of the meeting can be downloaded here.

Wednesday, 03 October 2018 06:46


UP Gianazza, Director of the Department of Mathematics will chair the introductory meeting about the University Courses in Mathematics today 3 October 2018 at 5.00 pm in the board room (ground floor, adjacent to the porter's desk). The focus of the meeting will be the undergraduate course and will discuss course strengths and hurdles, the supervisions available in the Department and the role of College supervisions. All Volta Maths are invited to participate. Participation is compulsory for Volta freshers reading Maths. The poster of the meeting can be downloaded here.

Wednesday, 03 October 2018 06:39

Wifi Network

The College is making available the presentation given by L Ruzza and V Lai of Blue Systems (Pavia) during the General Assembly of 1 October 2018 about the new Volta wifi network. Blue Systems had supplied earlier instructions to the College Office and the Porter's Desk about network access but the presentation by L Ruzza and V Lai during the General Assembly is a useful guide to Volta wifi. The file can be downloaded here.

Tuesday, 02 October 2018 07:28

Clubs & Societies

Meetings of the following Clubs & Societies will take place today, the 2nd of October: Volta Cine Club 6.30 pm, Volta Drama Society: 6.45 pm and Volta Science Society: 7.00 pm. All students who enrolled in these Clubs & Societies are asked to participate. Students who have enrolled in these activity groups may also wish to encourage other members of Volta to join in.

Tuesday, 02 October 2018 07:26

Health and Safety

The Health & Safety Induction will take place this evening Tuesday the 2nd of October at 6.00 pm in the College lecture theatre. Participation will review emergency and contacts,  basic procedures, fire alarm and building evacuation. Attendance is compulsory for all Volta freshers.

Tuesday, 02 October 2018 07:21

Volta Judo Club

College PhD student Gianluca Lombardo has suggested a Volta Judo Club (VJUC) and he made himself available for acting as Club secretary and teaching Judo to College members.  interested students should write to Gianluca Lombardo (email address and mobile numbers available at the porter's desk) in order to review the proposal and decide whether there is sufficient interest in the Volta Judo Club.


Saturday, 22 September 2018 10:58

College Assembly

The General, Annual Assembly of Collegio Volta will take place on Monday 1st October at 6.00 pm in the Volta lecture theatre. The assembly marks the beginning of the academic year at Volta and presents the essential aspects of the life and work of the College. Topics include: (i) students’ role and representation,  (ii) the academic results of the previous year,  (iii) the work plan for the year ahead (iv) College courses, tutorials, lectures and seminars and,  (v)  the activities of students’ clubs and societies. The poster of the overall programme of the 2018/19 College Assembly can be downloaded here. Freshers are reminded that participation to the following events is compulsory. Details of the other events of Freshers' Week will be given during the Assembly.

All College students are invited to participate, attendance is mandatory for new College students (freshers). Guest speaker: M Aramini, Director General of EDiSU.

2 Oct 2018: During the College Assembly M Aramini (Director General of EDiSU) confirmed that new cctv will be installed shortly and that external lights will be provided in the South wing of the College.  College had requested these actions for a long time (over two years) and their implementation constitute a major step forward in College security.  M Aramini also expressed interest in College plans for a sports centre.  A picture of the 2018/19 General Annual College Assembly is provided here.


Saturday, 22 September 2018 10:55

Bike Cull

A bike cull is coming to Volta as the College expects that an additional forty bikes will arrive in College in the next couple of weeks.

'Culling stickers' will be placed in the next couple of days on broken bikes and on bikes looking abandoned/unused.  Owners of such bikes who wish to retain them should tag them before the 5th of October with a second stidker on which they should wite Please do not discard. After the 5th of October, unclaimed broken bikes, free chains, wheels,and any other item found in the bike racks other than intact bikes will be disposed.


Matematica Generale

(Corsi di Laurea: Chimica, Chima e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche, Scienze Biologiche, Biotecnologie)


 Omar Najlani

01. Insiemi, intervalli, equazioni algebriche, disequazioni algebriche, trigonometria, geometria analitica nel piano
02. Grafico di una funzione reale, grafici e proprietà di alcune funzioni elementari, uomini delle funzioni più' comuni, funzioni composte
03. Funzioni elementari, teoremi sui limiti: teorema diunicita' del limite, teorema di permanenza del segno, teorema del confronto, operazioni sui limiti
04. Limiti notevoli, definizione di continuità', discontinuità' di prima, seconda e terza specie, teoremi sulle funzioni continue
05. Numeri complessi, forma algebrica dei numeri complessi, complesso coniugato, modulo e fase, rappresentazione in forma trigonometrica, formula di Eulero, rappresentazione in forma  esponenziale, formule di De Moivre, serie n, utilizzo, scale semi logaritcmicheumeriche, carattere della serie, alcune proprietà' serie notevoli, scale logaritmiche
06. Polinomi di Taylor, derivate, retta tangente, derivate fondamentali, regole di derivazione, monotonia e segno della derivata, massimi e minimi
07. Concavita' e derivata seconda, funzione convessa, funzione concava, punti di flesso, criterio della derivata seconda, teorema di Fermat, teorema di Lagrange, studio di funzione
08. Introduzione al calcolo integrale, integrale definito, proprietà' dell'integrale definito, funzioni primitive, integrale indefinito, integrali indefiniti immediati
09. Teorema di Torricelli-Barrow, teorema fondamentale del calcolo integrale, integrali impropri, integrazione per sostituzione, integrazione per parti
10. Problema di Cauchy, equazioni differenziali lineari del primo ordine, equazioni differenziali a variabili separabili, equazioni differenziali lineari del secondo ordine
11. Grafico per funzioni di due variabili, linee di livello, derivate parziali, gradiente, derivate direzionali, piano tangente al grafico di una funzione di due variabili, teorema di Schwartz
12. Riepilogo
13. Attendance

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