Saturday, 08 September 2018 19:00

College Teaching 2018/19

EDiSU, the governing body of Collegio Volta, is introducing a new system for rewarding members of the College and external students who will contribute to the teaching of courses and supervisions in the coming academic year or who may offer other forms of support, such library services, to the College community.

The new procedure will enable EDiSU to seek financial support for College teaching directly from the Ministry for Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) and will involve several changes at the College end, namely:  (i) interested will need to submit a formal application on a dedicated form that will be posted on the College before the end of September,  (ii) an official ranking list of all applicants will be published by College and EDiSU and,  (iii) EDiSU will be able, under the new procedure, to make a 'payment in money' to all students involved thus avoiding the problem emerged last year with 'payments in voucher'.

Members of Volta interested in contributing to College teaching or library support should check regularly the News section of the College web pages for additional information. The application form will be available as a downloadfrom the College website  together with instructions for completion and submission. The College hopes to maintain the teaching timetable of 2017/18 nothwithstanding the changes required by the new EDiSU procedure.


Tuesday, 28 August 2018 10:19

Admissions 2018/19

The College and the admission office of EDiSU will work closely together in the first week of September in order admit the new students moving into residence for the academic year 2018/19. Starting from this College will present a full account of admission statistics at the General Assembly of 1 October 2018.


Tuesday, 28 August 2018 10:16

Examinations 2017/18

The College has completed in July/August the annual analysis and reporting of students academic progress. A brief outlineof the results is available in the web page Academic Life Examinations 2017/18. A full account of the College academic performance in 2017/18 will be presented in the Annual College Assembly on 1 October 2018.


Volta Role Playing Club (VRPC)

College students Giovanni Bisbano and Chiara Pizzoni started a Volta Role-Playing Club (VRPC) in 2017/18. Born to give the chance to discover Role-Playing Games (particularly Dungeons & Dragons), the Club has an official logo offers great opportunities for fun and personal development. The Club run two multi-table adventure events: Ghosts from the past and Every ten years that involved 28 participants each and a debate about Role-Playing Games. The Club secretaries have set a Volta Role-Playing Club Facebook group for announcements, photos and discussions.

The following students enrolled in the VRPC in the academic year 2021/22. Giovanni Bisbano acted as Club Secretary.

Leonardo    Beretta
Giovanni Bisbano
Demis    Capodagli
Samuele    Di Cugno
Agnese    Zambinelli
Giovanni    Bisbano
Claudia C    Alfaro Contreras
Claudia    Cavaliere
Emanuele    Tumbiolo



Girls Volleyball


Boys Volleyball


Boys Basketball


Girls Basketball

Although Collegio Volta has yet to win any such tournament, the boys football team has made strong progress over the years in the football intercollegiate tournament and reached quarter finals in 2011/12. The 2011/12 team included J Perez Solis, I Ferraro, A Abdulyawad, D Bonaretti, F Ciccone, G Mandriani, M Vece (captain), G Badessi, M Russo, G Kana Tsigua, D Greco, C Nandjo Nandjo and L Miraglia. The team was managed by L Bellotti with support from P Stefanizzi and S Manieri.
The College also entered a second, 7 aside boyÕs football team, including F Ciccone, G Mandriani, M Vece (captain), G Badessi, M Russo, L Bellotti, D Greco, L Miraglia and M Sali into a country league tournament (Prima Copa Libertadores) and won this.

Students Committees 2017/18

In October 2017 College students elected a new, 8 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union. The members elected are listed below. 

Volta Students' Union Executive

Name: Paride Maddalena (President)
Course: Medicine, Year 4

Name: Monica Passanante,
Course: Medical Training (application in progress)

Name: Daniele Susca
Course: Neirobiology, Year 1 (MSc)

Name: Lucia Fruga
Course: Chemistry, Year 1 (MSc)

Name: Thanh Hang Bui
Ciourse: Economics, Finance and International Integration, Year 2 (MSc

Name: Valentina Astesana
Course: PhD in Molecular Biology and Genetics, Year 3




Students Committees 2016/17

In October 2016 College students elected a new, 8 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union. The members elected are listed below.  A Barone and M Perrone served in the Committee one semester each because they had secured the same number of votes at the election.

Volta Students' Union Executive

Name: Delaram Farzin (President)
Course: Pharmacy, Year 4

Name: Paola Pugliese, 
Course: Medicine, Year 3

Name: Antonino Incardona
Course: Medicine, Year 3

Name: Magnus Freiherr von Wangenheim
Course: Medicine, Year 2

Name: Giuseppe Dipinto
Course: Sports Science, Year 1 (MSc)

Name: Matteo Turchetti
Course: Biotechnology, Year 1 (MSc)

Silvia Tinelli
Course: PhD in Construction Engineering, Year 2

Name: Andrea Barone
Course: Physics, Year 1 (MSc)

Name: Milena Perrone
Course: Experimental and Applied Biology, Year 2A (MSc)




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