Luca Teodori

I am a final year undergraduate in Physics from Urbino and a member of Collegio A Volta since October 2014. I am passionate about the subject I am reading at Pavia and especially interested in the theoretical side of Physics implications. I am accustomed therefore to use Mathematics extensively for my studies and keen to share Maths studies with younger members of the College. My supervisions in Algebra and Geometry are aimed primarily at College undergraduates in the Engineering but are open and will prove valuable to undergraduates in Physics and Maths as well. In them I will cover not only the linear algebra concepts from an abstract, mathematical point of view but visual demonstrations and applicatione. I will also devote an important part of my teaching to practical demonstrations and exercises..


Geometria e Algebra Lineare  (Ing Edile e Architettura, Ing Civile e Ambientale, Ing Elettronica e Informatica, Ing Industriale, Bioingegneria)

01. Generalità su spazi vettoriali, esempi, concetto di linearità, dimensionei
02. Geometria analitica: equazioni parametriche, cartesiane, esercizi
03. Determinanti, rango, teorema di Rouche-Capelli, esercizi
04. Sottospazi, formula di Grassman, somma diretta, esercizi
05. Applicazioni e sistemi lineari, teorema delle dimensioni
06. Cambiamenti di base e matrici associate
07. Il metodo di eliminazione di Gauss
08. Autovettori e autovalori
09. Applicazioni bilineari, congruenza, calcolo della segnatura
10. Teorema spettrale
11. Preparazione allo scritto
12. Preparazione all' orale




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