EdISU Bursaries

EdISU awards each year bursaries to ~ 1,500 students studying at the University of Pavia. For students living in College, the bursary includes both a maintenance grant and payment of College fees. For students living at home or in other, non-College accommodation, the bursary consists of the maintenance grant. EdISU therefore provides financial support to ~ 6% of the undergraduate and MSc students currently studying at the University of Pavia.

For the year 2013/14 EdISU aims to award 400 bursaries to year 1 students enrolling into undergraduate or MSc Courses of the University of Pavia, 900 bursaries to students of higher years and 40 bursaries to students registered with the University of Pavia but studying abroad for the academic year 2013/14 or part of it. These awards are made at the end of October (see below) and, typically, EdISU makes a second round of awards in the spring, subject to the availability of extra funds. The number of bursaries awarded in the second round of awards, therefore, varies from year to year.

Criteria for eligibility for 1st year students include the results of the examination at the end of the pre-University school (> 70/100) and family income. Criteria for eligibility in higher years are the results of examinations, measured by a cumulative number of credits (exemptions) and the average score. The value of EdISU bursaries varies according to the fact students live in College or otherwise. For students not living in College, bursaries range from € 1,871 to € 2,637 per year, depending on family income. For students living in College bursaries range from € 3,968 to € 5,073 per year and cover the College fee and a maintenance grant corresponding to the one listed above for students not living in College.

The current deadline for applications for EdISU bursaries is 30 September with results available by 31 October. It is envisaged though that in 2014 the deadline for application may be brought forward, probably to mid July or the end of July. Students interested in applying for an EdISU bursary for the academic year 2014/15, are requested therefore to check periodically the relevant EdISU pages in order to complete and submit the application by the due deadline. Foreign students interested in studying at Pavia and joining Collegio are welcome to contact the College Master, E Gherardi, for advice on the application procedures.

Volta Cross Country Club (VCCC)

Cross country running is a popular sport both at pre-University schools and at University level.  Collegio Volta is well placed to encourage cross country running because it is located on the edge of the city and students have ready access to open fields at the back of the College and the weather in Pavia offers the full range of conditions that cross country runners expect throughout the year: rain and snow in winter, very hot temperatures and very dry ground conditions in summer.  There is a small but growing number of College students engaged in cross country running inspired in the past by Benedetta Broggi, a medical students, and this led to the birth of the Volta Cross Country Club (VCCC) that hopefully will attrathe Club will hopefully foster further interest in this sport in future.

The following students enrolled in the VCCC for the academic year 2021/22 are listed below. The College has not nominated a Club Secretary for this academic year.

Andrea    Baraldi
Davide    Gianatti



Health & Safety

Collegio A Volta is deeply committed to develop as a place where students and staff can live and work safely and securely. On the safety front, the year 2012/13 has seen a major upgrade of the fire alarm system. On the security front the College replaced the aging, key-based system for building access with a modern system based on electronic cards. Further developments in the Health & Safety area are envisaged during the academic year 2013/14 (see below).


The improved fire alarm system that College has installed has been in operation since May 2013 and performs well. There are two further improvements that College has requested from EdISU afterward. The first improvement is the introduction of two modes of beeps as opposed to the single one currently available: for example an intermittent beep to indicate alert status without the need to evacuate the building and a continuous beep indicating that all College students and staff need to evacuate the building. The second improvement is the the positioning of posts and signs in the garden areas to indicate the fire assembly points, namely the areas where students and staff who have evacuated the building after a fire drill should gather awaiting for further instructions from the College safety officers.


The new electronic card system for building access will be operational from 2 September 2013. This system brings a massive improvement to the security of College students and staff: the old system based on metal keys could not prevent malicious cloning of the keys leading to a security breakdown. Electronic cards, in contrast are very difficult to clone and can be promptly inactivated in case of damage or loss. A new gate has also been buit at the back of the College that allows direct access to College from via Abbiategrasso. This is also an important development because it enables access to College 24 hours a day from via Abbiategrasso and is can be used by wheel chair users. An unresolved security issue, instead, is the lack of external lights on the South and North fronts of the building as well as at the back of the College. There is good lighting at the front of the College but low level lighting (or better one, if possible) is required on all College sides. EdISU has committed itself to the installation of external lighting at Collegio Volta during the academic year 2013/14.


Students entering College are given a copy of the College Health & Safety document (in English) or the correposnding EdISU Health & Safety document (in Italian). The two documents summarise major safety or security risks, the procedures that should be followed in order to minimise such risks (fire, flooding, etc) and the procedures that should be followed if an emergency has arisen. The two documents (Health & Safety Rules - in English - and Regole di Salute e Sicurezza - in Italian - can be downloaded from the respective links here or from the page on College Rules and Regulations.

Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

Collegio A Volta is one of 11 Colleges or   Halls of Residence at the University of Pavia governed by EdISU, a body involving  University and local government and aiming to promote Higher Education.  Volta shares with all other EdISU Colleges a general set of Rules and Regulations for EdISU Colleges and Halls of Residence issued in June 2011 after a review of earlier Rules. These rules have been further reviewed in August 2016 and in January 2023. The latest version can be downloaded here.

College Rules & Regulations

In addition, College has issued a set of specific Rules & Regulations of Collegio A Volta. These do not replace but complement and extend the EdISU ones and have to be read, understood and adhered by every member of College. Extracts of the College rules concerning House Life, Libraries, Study Rooms, Information Technology (IT) and Health & Safety are given to College students both in English and in Italian. They are given in hard copy on arrival to all new members of College, who have to confirm in writing that they have read and understood the rules in full prior to taking up residence. These specific sets of Rules & Regulations can also be downloaded from the links below by prospective students and visitors of Collegio Volta.

College Rules & Regulations

House Rules

Library Rules

Study Rooms Rules

Information Technology Rules

Health & Safety Rules

Regolamento del Collegio

Regole Interne

Regolamento di Biblioteca

Regolamento delle Sale Studio

Regolamento sull’ uso di computers e internet

Regole di Salute e Sicurezza

Information Technology

Collegio Volta was the first EdISU College to provide internet access email support and a wifi network built and maintained by College graduates in Engineering. In the summer of 2014, however, coinciding with the completion of the North Wing, a new wifi network has been built covering the whole College (both the South and North wings) and offering connection speeds ranging from .....  to ...... kb/s, several times higher than the previous one.

Hardware Support

EdISU provides basic hardware support to commumal computers and printers. Requests for service must be submitted by the College staff. Students who notice a hardware problem with a College computer or printer thus need to report this to the College office who will trigger the service and report back to the sudents details of the remedial action taken.

Computer rooms

The College currently maintains two computer rooms on the second floor equipped with several PCs, two iMacs (Mac OS 9), a scanner, printer and copier. Standars software packages are installed on all computers (word processing, spreadsheets, reference managers). Students requiring additional software should notify the College office Only software made available and installed by EdISU contractors and instructed by the College office may be installed on College computers.


A College wide wireless network is available. The network has been installed and is maintained by Hypergrid, a local network and network security company. Access to the College computers and network requires an account issued by the College office. Access to the intranet area of the College webpages requires a separate account that can be generated directly from the student from the home page.

Network Maintenance

Students encountering problems with internet access should submit detailed information to Hypergrid. They can do so by filling a form available both in Italian and English (the form in Italian can be downloaded here; the form in English can be downloaded here) and submitting to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with copy to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Students will be contacted directly by Hypergrid and informed of the steps taken to solve the problem. Students are also reminded that they must submit copy of their request for support to the College office for the sake of College records.


Examinations 2012/13

At the end of April 2012, 59  undergraduates expressed an interest in having their College placements confirmed in 2013/14. The final number of students eligible for placements under current EdISU rules was 57 and, on 2 August 2013, 36 students had met the EdiSU requirements and 21had failed. In the case of postgraduate students of MSc Courses, 18 students were eligible  for confirmation of placements and 16 out 18 met the EdISU score (see Fig Examination Results 2012). The data on undergraduate students were analysed further by school/ faculty. The results in the second Fig on the left show that the highest failure rates involved undergraduate Courses in Engineering and Science and Maths (67% and 60% respectively) whereas the failure rates for Pharmacy and Medicine were much lower at 25% and 23%. Data for undergraduates in Social Sciences and Humanities are not shown because the number of these students at Volta is too low to analyse. The EdISU scoring system for confirmation of College placements is one that has evolved over the years and has undergone continuous adjustments to the ever changing landscape of the organisation of the Course at Italian Universities, including Pavia.  The system is in need of considerable reform for the following reasons:

(i) A system in which nearly 40% of undergraduates fail to reach the set threshold needs to re-evaluate both the criteria for assessment and the underlying causes of failures, namely the structure of the University Courses and the relevant examinations (too many examinations consist of multiple parts that are set and marked at different dates and students run out of time in the process). The University of Pavia needs to undertake a major review of its teaching.

(ii) The current EdISU system requires students to meet absolute credit figures (for example 35 credits at the end of year 1, 80 or 88 at the end of year 2, etc). The system is cumbersome because many Courses keep changing the goal post (the number of total credits) and, as a result, EdISU has to adjust constantly the credit requirements, often on a ad hoc basis. This problem can be solved by replacing a system based on absolute requirements with a system based on percentage score in which students are required to reach a defined percentage of the total credits on set by the University for the relevant Course and year.

(iii) The assessment of the Courses in Engineering and Science & Maths needs specific criteria. The mission of EdISU is to promote University education across all subjects and current EdISU criteria massively penalise students of Engineering and Science & Maths (Fig above). Collegio Volta, a College named after an outstanding physicist and professor at Pavia, is determined to address this with EdISU and do everything in its power to encourage and support students reading these subjects in future years.

Examinations & Reports

EdISU assigns College placements to students enrolling at the University of Pavia based the examination at the end of the pre-University Course (> 70/100) and on family income. For confirmation of College placements in higher years, EdISU uses a credit system. The system, popular at a number of Universities,  assigns a total number of credits to each year of study (typically 60, although there are many exceptions to the 60 rule in Pavia) and a score to each examination or training period. Confirmation of College placements of undergraduates and students of MSc Courses in year 2 or higher requires that a minimal number of credits, is achieved.  Other categories of College students are assessed differently. These include PhD students, postgraduate medical students and postdoctoral fellows who are assessed through an annual written report.  In contrast diploma students, for example the 2 year IUSS/IST Course in Construction Science, are assessed externally.


College hosted a number of PhD students and medical trainees during the 2017/18 academic year and several of them are actively engaged in College life, including College Committees.   Brief ...
College hosted a number of PhD students and medical trainees during the 2017/18 academic year and several of them are actively engaged in College ...
A number of PhD students and medical trainees lived and worked in College during the academic year 2016/17 and made progress toward their PhD degree or their specialty diploma.  The text below ...
A number of PhD students and medical trainees lived and worked in College during the academic year 2016/17 and made progress toward their PhD degree ...
In 2015/16 the College continued to attract seveal PhD students and medical trainees in line with its mission to develop graduate studies in College and in the University..  Brief reports of ...
In 2015/16 the College continued to attract seveal PhD students and medical trainees in line with its mission to develop graduate studies in College ...
Starting from this academic year College will publish data for all students admitted to Volta by EDiSU who enrolled in a University course. This approach will make the College data fully compatible ...
Starting from this academic year College will publish data for all students admitted to Volta by EDiSU who enrolled in a University course. This ...
Collegio Volta reports a further increase in the percentage of students securing the number of credits required by EDiSU for confirmation of College placements above the results of previous years. ...
Collegio Volta reports a further increase in the percentage of students securing the number of credits required by EDiSU for confirmation of College ...
The College is pleased to report a further increase of the percentage of students who have secured the number of credits required by the Volta governing body (EDiSU) for confirmation of their College ...
The College is pleased to report a further increase of the percentage of students who have secured the number of credits required by the Volta ...
The examination results of College undergraduate and MSc students has continued to improve in the academic year 2014/15 over the the previous two years (2012/13 and 2013/14). A summary of the data is ...
The examination results of College undergraduate and MSc students has continued to improve in the academic year 2014/15 over the the previous two ...
Six postgraduates and post-doctoral fellows who studied in College during the academic year 2013/14 have requested confirmation of their College placements for 2013/14. They include two PhD students ...
Six postgraduates and post-doctoral fellows who studied in College during the academic year 2013/14 have requested confirmation of their College ...
The number of College undergraduate and MSc sudents achieving - or failing to achieve - the EDiSU threshold for confirmation of College placements is shown in the Fig Examination Results 2013.  ...
The number of College undergraduate and MSc sudents achieving - or failing to achieve - the EDiSU threshold for confirmation of College placements is ...

 09 June 2023
Collegio A Volta is officially a Collegio Universitario di Merito according to the terms and requirements set by the Ministry for Universities and Research. The official, ministerial act is available ...
Collegio A Volta is officially a Collegio Universitario di Merito according to the terms and requirements set by the Ministry for Universities and Research. The official, ministerial act is available ...
09 June 2023
 17 May 2023
The Harvey Medical Society, a student's group hosted by Collegio A Volta, is holding a meeting on First Intervention Medicine in the College Lecture Theatre on Thursday the 18th of May at 6.30 ...
The Harvey Medical Society, a student's group hosted by Collegio A Volta, is holding a meeting on First Intervention Medicine in the College Lecture Theatre on Thursday the 18th of May at 6.30 ...
17 May 2023
 10 May 2023
Collegio B Griziotti is holding an interesting day meeting on 20th of May on Behavioural Eating Disorders.  Nutrition is a major health issue: half the deaths that occur worldwide before the age ...
Collegio B Griziotti is holding an interesting day meeting on 20th of May on Behavioural Eating Disorders.  Nutrition is a major health issue: half the deaths that occur worldwide before the age ...
10 May 2023
 06 May 2023
Christina Redfield, Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Oxford will give a course in College on Macromolecular NMR starting on Monday the 8th of May each day from 2.00 pm in College ...
Christina Redfield, Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Oxford will give a course in College on Macromolecular NMR starting on Monday the 8th of May each day from 2.00 pm in College ...
06 May 2023
 20 April 2023
Carl E Wieman, a Nobel laureate in Physics from Stanford University will give the fifth seminar of the College series on Access to Education onlinehis contributions to  in the College Lecture ...
Carl E Wieman, a Nobel laureate in Physics from Stanford University will give the fifth seminar of the College series on Access to Education onlinehis contributions to  in the College Lecture ...
20 April 2023
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First Steps in Research (2)

Second Symposium


In May 2010 Collegio Volta is holding the second of its graduate symposia. The rationale for this initiative has been offered in the notes accompanying the first symposium in May 2009 and will not be reiterated here. These notes will highlight instead a key component of the second Symposium, namely a proposal for a new MB/PhD programme.

The contributors to the discussion on the MB/PhD proposal will be G Stewart, T Cox and J Jamieson (Directors of the MB/PhD programmes of UCL, Cambridge and Yale respectively) and E Gherardi. The speakers will outline the origin and purpose of MB/PhD schemes and the rationale for the intercalated MB/PhD (E Gherardi) and the  features of the schemes operating at UCL, Cambridge and Yale. The outcome of this work from the 2nd Graduate Symposium will be a formal proposal for an MB/PhD to be submitted to the Medical School and the University of Pavia.

Pavia has an established medical school and a strong research base in biomedical sciences. It is very well placed, therefore for initiating a programme aimed at training a selected number of medical students in research. The approach suggested by the medical scientists who are contributing to the discussion on the MB/PhD programme as part of the Graduate Smposium at Volta is a so-called intercalated scheme in which the PhD component is inserted between the pre-clinical Course and the clinical one.

Medical sciences constitute a special research challenge because health and disease are shaped by a complex interplay of genetic, environmental and socio/economical factors, as a result of which clinical research often displays extraordinary complexity. Advances in medical sciences therefore require a rigorous training not only in Medicine but also in research methodology. For over a century and a half research training has built on PhD programmes but the medical curriculum is long and complex and the addition of a PhD course adds a further and considerable period of study and research, typically 3 years or more. There is a need therefore to deliver the PhD element of an MB/PhD scheme in the most effective way and all contributors to the discussion argue for a Course of study in which the PhD element is inserted between the pre-clinical and clinic years.

The MB/PhD scheme proposed at the Volta symposium involves competitive admission of selected students to the PhD programme at the end of their pre-clinical Course and admission to the clinical Course at the end of year 6, upon successful completion of the PhD Course. Thus the whole MB/PhD Course will take 9 years to complete. It is anticipated that close interactions and exchanges will develop between students enrolled in the prospective MB/PhD scheme in Pavia and students enrolled in the MB/PhD programmes at Northern European Universities, especially Cambridge and UCL.

First Steps in Research (1)

First Symposium


In May 2009 Collegio Volta is holding the first Graduate Symposium in the history of the University of Pavia.

The University of Pavia aspires to a place among the  'research-intensive' Universities in Europe and worldwide. A common feature of  these Universities is the strength of their graduate programmes and the role of young graduate members in University life.  The purpose of the first Graduate Symposium atthe University of Pavia is threefold: - to raise awareness of the research carried out by Ph students and postdoctoral fellows at Pavia, - to promote the exchange of ideas and contacts between students of different background (humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, mathematics) and, finally - foster the birth of a Graduate Union. The Symposium is open to PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, their supervisors and all members of the academic community in Pavia. The rationale for this College initiative is explained further below.

In recent years the University of Pavia has considerably expanded the number of undergraduate Courses and has increased the number of undergraduates but has only achieved a moderate expansion in graduate studies. The University has a Collegiate system two currently supports nearly two thousand undergraduates and a limited number of postgraduates. The national and international standing of the University of Pavia however - and any University for that matter -, depends increasingly o research output, which in turn depends on highcalibre PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. It is essential, therefore, that the Collegiate system of the University of Pavia adapts to this need and puts increasing emphasis on graduate studies and students as these will play a pivotal role in the development and future strategyof the University. 

The last thirty years have witnessed unprecedented changes in University Education. These changes have taken place worldwide but have been particularly noticeable in European countries. European Universities have undergone constant expansion after World War II and, at first sight, the expansion may appear as a continuous process starting in the late fifties/early sixties but this is not true. There are important differences between the University expansion that took place in the sixties and the subsequent ones.

In the sixties the expansion was funded in full through additional government resources whereas after the mid seventies the expansion has not been matched by a corresponding increase in funding. Thus, although absolute University budgets increased throughout, the funding per student as eroded dramatically over the last 20-25 years. As a result, Universities have had to assess critically their teaching and research in order to cope with the changes, including internal competition, ie competition among educational establishments. While these important changes in the number of students were occurring, another major change has taken place, namely a switch towards postgraduate education.

This emerged largely from the realisation that the standard qualifications of young graduates were inadequate in order to meet the requirements of public or private employers, especially in Research & Development. This gap was initially most obvious in Science subjects but it gradually extended to other disciplines. In anglo-saxon Universities the gap was addressed through an expansion of postgraduate courses whereas in continental Europe the initial step was one of prolonging the duration and size of undergraduate courses. However, this latter approach has now been reversed and the current formula, even in Italy, is one of short (or shorter) undergraduate Courses followed by one or more post-graduate Courses, depending on subject and students.

Thus, the shift toward graduate education is now a general one across Europe and needs to be understood and supported in Italy as well. Collegio Volta intends to drive this process by promoting a number of initiatives that highlight the role of postgraduate education and research in University life and development and the 2008/09 Graduate Symposium is the first step in this direction.

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