PhD Students

PhD students registered with the University of Pavia are admitted once a year through a call published on the University website. Students interested in PhD studies at Pavia should monitor the relevant web page on the University web site for updates. Under existing rules, the call is published early in the summer with a deadline in July, admission tests in September and start of the PhD on 1st November.

Prospective PhD students interested in a placement at Collegio Volta should submit an application through the offices of EdISU (, the College governing body. EdISU publishes calls each year in late spring early summer inviting applications for College placements and for bursaries but only undergraduates and MSc students are eligible for bursaries as PhD students are expected to hold a PhD studentships. Applicant PhD students are advised, nevertheless, to submit financial papers to EdISU as discussed below because if they win a placement in College they may find that that they are entitled to reduced College fees. The Student's Guide to the EdISU application downloadable here conatins valuable information for this process especially forforeign students.  Students who apply to EdISU and indicate Collegio Volta as their first preference may be invited by College to complete a questionnaire about their general and extra-curricular interests.  The questionnaire is available in English and in Italian, it can be downloaded as a Word file, completed and should be returned as to the office of the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

College welcomes informal enquiries about admissions and prospective PhD students interested in studying at Collegio Volta may write to College. Academic enquiries should be addressed to the Office of the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Financial enquiries about fees, payments, etc should be addressed to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. PhD students living at Collegio Volta, according to College rules, are expected to take a direct role in undergraduate supervisions (typically 24 hours of teaching per year). Visiting PhD students, namely PhD students registered with a University different from Pavia, who plan a period of study and research in Pavia and who would like to live at Collegio Volta during their time in Pavia, should contact directly the Office of the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

MSc Students

The majority of 3 year Courses at the University of Pavia leading to BA/BSc degrees also offer subsequent, 2year MSc Courses (see the relevant University web page for an overall scheme).


Admissions of MSc students to Collegio Volta are through the offices of EdISU (, the College governing body. EdISU publishes calls each year in late spring early summer inviting applications for bursaries College placements. Applicant students can, in fact, use the same application in order to request four types of benefits: a bursary, a College placement, a card enabling reduced charges at a number of University restaurants and cafeterias and a prospective reduction in University fees. All these benefits are mean-assessed and, accordingly, students need to submit evidence of their financial status as part of the application process. The Student's Guide to the EdISU application has been written at Collegio Volta in order to help freshmen in this process. The guide is specially useful to foreign students. Additional and general information about EdISU bursaries and College placements is available on the relevant web pages. The College welcomes informal enquiries about admissions from prospective undergraduate students, including students from abroad. Academic enquiries should be addressed to the office of the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Financial enquiries about fees, payments, etc should be addressed to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Students who apply to EdISU and indicate Collegio Volta as their first preference may be invited by College to complete a questionnaire about their general and extra-curricular interests.  The questionnaire is available in English and in Italian, it can be downloaded as a Word file, completed and should be returned as to the office of the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Resident undergraduates who seek a placement for the following year will receive instructions from College on the requirement.  Briefly, this will involves submission to the Office of the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in mid July of three files: (i) the course layout - whether standard or personalised - with details of each examination, including exam codes and credits,  (ii) full exam records with dates and marks of individual exams.  Both the Course study plan and the exam records can be accessed from the main Univerrsity students and exam databes (Esse3) to which all students have access and exported as pdf and, for students who need this,  (iii)  a dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione for Italian students or its English translation, a self certification form, for foreign students both of which can be downloaded from ths page, that enable students to confirm to College that they have cleared exams not yet logged in Esse3. This infornation has to be submitted to the Office of the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view a date communicated to College students each year in June. Students who submit a dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione also need to send proof that the makrs of the relevant exams have been logged onto their career records.

Resident College undergraduates will be informed of their College placement for the following academic year before the College closes the last Friday in July although, for some students, confirmation may be conditional to submission of additional exam records before the 10th of August.



The University of Pavia offers a variety of first degree Courses, the majority of which lasts 3 years and lead to BA/BSc degrees. Exceptions are the Pharmacy, Architecture and Construction Engineering and Law Courses (lasting 5 years) and the Medicine (lasting 6 years) (see the University web page for details).


Undergraduate admissions to Collegio Volta are through the offices of EDiSU, the College governing body. EdISU publishes calls each year in late spring early summer inviting applications for bursaries College placements. Applicant students can, in fact, use the same application in order to request four types of benefits: a bursary, a College placement, a card enabling reduced charges at a number of University restaurants and cafeterias and a prospective reduction in University fees. All these benefits are mean-assessed and, accordingly, students need to submit evidence of their financial status as part of the application process. General information about EdISU bursaries and College placements is available on the EDiSU main web page. The College welcomes informal enquiries about admissions from prospective undergraduate students, including students from abroad. An informal questionnaire has been prepared for foreign applicants in order to enable College to undestand individual cases and help out.  Foreign applicants are encouraged to fill this questionnaire, read a separate set of informal guidelines written by College and address any further question to  to the office of the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Financial enquiries about fees, payments, etc should be addressed to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Resident undergraduates who seek a placement for the following year will receive instructions from College on the requirement.  Briefly, this will involves submission to the Office of the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in mid July of three files: (i) the course layout - whether standard or personalised - with details of each examination, including exam codes and credits,  (ii) full exam records with dates and marks of individual exams.  Both the Course study plan and the exam records can be accessed from the main Univerrsity students and exam databes (Esse3) to which all students have access and exported as pdf and, for students who need this,  (iii)  a dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione for Italian students or its English translation, a self certification form, for foreign students both of which can be downloaded from ths page, that enable students to confirm to College that they have cleared exams not yet logged in Esse3. This infornation has to be submitted to the Office of the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view a date communicated to College students each year in June. Students who submit a dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione also need to send proof that the makrs of the relevant exams have been logged onto their career records.

Resident College undergraduates will be informed of their College placement for the following academic year before the College closes the last Friday in July although, for some students, the confirmation may be conditional to submission of additional exam records before the 10th of August.


Collegio Volta can admit students who register at the University of Pavia for any type of degree (first degrees, MSc, PhD) as well as mature post doctoral fellows and visitors. The procedures for admission, however, differ for different categories of College membership and are explained here in order to offer guidance and support, especially to applicants from abroad. For general enquiries prospective applicants should contact the office of the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The University of Pavia offers a variety of first degree Courses, the majority of which lasts 3 years and lead to BA/BSc degrees. Exceptions are the Pharmacy, Architecture and Construction ...
The University of Pavia offers a variety of first degree Courses, the majority of which lasts 3 years and lead to BA/BSc degrees. Exceptions are the ...
The majority of 3 year Courses at the University of Pavia leading to BA/BSc degrees also offer subsequent, 2year MSc Courses (see the relevant University web page ...
The majority of 3 year Courses at the University of Pavia leading to BA/BSc degrees also offer subsequent, 2year MSc Courses (see the relevant ...
PhD students registered with the University of Pavia are admitted once a year through a call published on the University website. Students interested in PhD studies at Pavia should monitor the ...
PhD students registered with the University of Pavia are admitted once a year through a call published on the University website. Students interested ...
Medical graduates admitted to postgraduate studies in Pavia, namely to one of the local Specialty Schools and interested in a placement at Collegio Volta should contact directly the College. ...
Medical graduates admitted to postgraduate studies in Pavia, namely to one of the local Specialty Schools and interested in a placement at Collegio ...
Collegio Volta welcomes applications from post doctoral fellows who are involved in research projects in Departments of the University of Pavia. Prospective applicants interested in a placement at ...
Collegio Volta welcomes applications from post doctoral fellows who are involved in research projects in Departments of the University of Pavia. ...
Collegio Volta welcomes applications from senior visiting fellows (tenured staff at other Universities spending a sabbatical year or part of it in Pavia). Prospective applicants interested in a ...
Collegio Volta welcomes applications from senior visiting fellows (tenured staff at other Universities spending a sabbatical year or part of it in ...
In addition to the EdISU bursaries described under the relevant, eligible student categories (undergraduates and MSc students), in 2013 the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research ...
In addition to the EdISU bursaries described under the relevant, eligible student categories (undergraduates and MSc students), in 2013 the Italian ...



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May Barbecue

A group of College students organised a large College barbecue on May 1st (12.00 noon to 10.00 pm, € 10.00 per person including food, drinks and music).

The party was attended by a large number of current and former members of Volta, students living in other Colleges and their guests and represented an excellent display of the ability of College students to promote and run a highly successful University-wide social event.

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Camille Pissarro

The College has received notice from M Rostan, deputy Chancellor for Students’ Welfare at the University and from Paolo Benazzo, EdISU President, that the University and EdISU have secured a special entrance ticket price (€ 10.00 instead of € 15.00) for students of the University of Pavia wishing to visit the Camille Pissarro’s exhibition currently at Castello Visconte in Pavia (The soul of impressionism, 21 February – 2 June 2014).

The exhibition has been organised by Alef, an art/science/events company based in Milan, and includes 22 paintings by Camillo Pissarro, 3 paintings of his son Lucien and additional work by V van Gogh, P Gaugin and JBC Corot.

This is a major opportunity for the members of Volta to take sight of the work of one of most influential painters of the French impressionism and thus College students are warmly encouraged to take advantage of the reduce entrance fee and and visit the exhibition (Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 7.00 pm and Saturday/Sundays 9.00 am to 8.00 pm).

Can the youth rebuild the economy

12tth May 2014. 
Marco Salvadeo, President of the Young Entrepreneurs at Confindustria Pavia and  District Manager of the Manpower Group (Pavia Area)

The seminar will take place in the College lecture theatre at 9.00 pm. The poster can be downloaded here. IYoung people are the key to our future but which job opportunities do they have ?  And what will the companies of the future look like ?  In a historic moment of desertification of skills and businesses, the natural desire of young people to explore and build their future, ie their entrepreneurship - must be encouraged.  Entrepreneurship is needed for producing new business ideas or new products but is also needed in order to produce known goods in simpler or cheaper or more environmentally friendly manner. Thus, entrepreneurship is an essential route by which the youth can turn around the current financial crisis and rebuild a strong economy. Actions promoting entrepreneurship among young people constitute a pressing duty and will entrust young generations with the right to build tomorrow’s world.

Marco Salvadeo is the President of Young Entrepreneurs at Confindustria Pavia and is also District Manager Manpower Group Pavia Area. As President of Confindustria Pavia, he aims to increase the opportunities to meet with other youth organisations both nationally and internationally, help local companies to expand abroad, promoTE the creation of new companies and offer practical support to young people involved in these processes.


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The enterprising youth

On Monday 12th May Marco Salvadeo, President of the Young Entrepreneurs at Confindustria Pavia and  District Manager of the Manpower Group (Pavia Area) will give a seminar at 6.00 pm in the College Lecture Theatre entitled Can the youth rebuild the economy. The poster of the seminar can be downloaded here. The topic is one of general significance since the majority of the world economies have been hit by the latest financial crisis and is specially reevant in Italy where current youth unemployment exceeds 40%.

Marco Salvadeo will highlight his vision of how a new generation of entrepreneurs may exert a crucial role in gettng the economy back on track.

HIV and AIDS. The hidden truth.

5th May 2014. 
Giovanni Maga, Institute of Molecular Genetics IGM-CNR, Pavia

The seminar will take place in the College lecture theatre at 6.00 pm. The poster can be downloaded here. In spite of unquestionable scientific evidence linking the infection of HIV-1 to the development of AIDS, still the opinion survives among the general public that AIDS is not caused by a viral infection, but rather is a consequence of malnutrition, sexual behaviour, drug abuse and antiretroviral drugs. These ideas are being perpetuated through media and Internet and pose a risk for those patients who succumb to them, refusing treatment and committing themselves to a painful life and unavoidable death. By reckoning the origin and development of the AIDS denialism movement and the faulty, pseudoscientific logic behind it, this seminar will also review the scientific foundations of our current knowledge of AIDS and the future perspective for a possible elimination of this scourge, still threatening the lives of millions of people worldwide.

AIDS: la verità negata. Come l'HIV causa l’AIDS e perché dall'AIDS si potrà guarire.
Giovanni Maga, Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore. Marzo 2014. 132 pp. € 16.00

Giovanni Maga is the Head of the Molecular Virology laboratory at the Institute of Molecular Genetics IGM-CNR in Pavia. His work is focused on the study of host-virus relationships and the development of novel therapeutic approaches to human viral diseases (AIDS, influenza, Hepatitis). He is the author of more than 200 scientific publications on international journals and is interested in bringing Science to the general public, giving frequent lectures in secondary schools and public venues, especially aimed to raise awareness of the lay public towards the problem of AIDS.



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On Monday 5th May Giovanni Maga of the Institute of Molecular Genetics IGM-CNR in Pavia will give a seminar at 6.00 pm in the College Lecture Theatre entitled AIDS: la verita' nascosta. Come l' HIV causa l' AIDS e come dall' AIDS si potra' guarire (AIDS: a hidden truth. How HIV causes AIDS and how it will be possible to be cured) . The seminar will be based on Giovanni Maga's new book (same title) published by Il Pensiero Scentifico Editore, Rome, March 2014.  The poster of the seminar can be downloaded here. Details of the book can be found here on the publisher's web page.

This new book by Giovanni Maga, a scientist actively engaged in research on HIV, aims to dispel a number of myths about AIDS and its causes and is aimed at the lay Italian reader interested in understanding how HIV, the agent causing AIDS, succeeds in impairing the host's immunity and how new drugs and vaccines may halt this process.

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