Tuesday, 03 June 2014 05:13

Genetic Modification

On Tuesday June 10th at 6.00  pm RA Ankeny of the University of Adelaide will give a seminar on Looking at Genetic Modification with a big picture lens. The poster of the seminar can be downloaded here.

The seminar will focus on genetically modified crops and will discuss their potential impact for world food supply and for world economy. It will also compare and discuss the different regulatory frameworks adopted toward genetically modified crops by the European Union, the United States of America and other countries across the world.

Wednesday, 04 June 2014 01:10


On Thursday June 5th, F Salvoldi, M Ceroni and L Vanzago will illustrate and discuss a major book that they co-authored on Conscience at 6.00 pm at Libreria Delfino in piazza Cavagneria (Pavia).  The authors are either members of staff or former memmbers of staff of the University of Pavia.

Conscience is a topic that attracts interest from scientists, clinicians, philosophers and the general public at large and College students are warmly invited to attend this book presentation.

La coscienza. Contributi per specialisti e non specialisti tra neuroscienze, filosofia e neurologia
F. Savoldi, M. Ceroni and L. Vanzago editors.
Edizioni Aras (November 2013 by). ISBN-10: 8896378680. Cost € 63.00. Available from Amazon Italy for € 53.55 .

Thursday, 22 May 2014 18:55

Safe Driving

M Rostan,  deputy Chancellor for Students Welfare, and D Barbieri, the University Health & Safety Officer,  have organised a hands-on Course on safe driving together with Ford Italy. The Course aims to offer young drivers Driving Skills for Life and will take place at the Automotive Safety Centre in Vairano, a racing track 14 km north east of Pavia.

The is free to students of the University of Pavia and interested students can apply onlineThe Course is offered on two dates (June 4th and 5th) with choice of morning or afternoon sessions on each date. Free bus transport will be available from Piazza Castello and Polo Cravino at 8.00 am and 0.30 pm on the dates indicated. The invitation letter and a flyer are available for downloading.

Thursday, 22 May 2014 12:44


Collegio Santa Caterina has organised an interesting one-day course on neurosciences coordinated by P Mazzarello, Professor of History of Medicine and Director of the University Museum in Pavia. The Course will take place on Friday 23rd in the Graduate section of Santa Caterina and will include talks by P Mazzarello (C Golgi), M Ceroni (prions), M Catani (brain imaging) and E D' Angelo (synaptic transmission).

College students, especially those attending medical, biology and biotechnology Courses are encouraged to attend but need to fill in a form in order to do so and interested students are encouraged to contact Collegio S Caterima for advice at the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The full programme of the meeting can be downloaded here.

Saturday, 10 May 2014 16:48

EdISU Tables

The College is preparing for the end of year student's assessments either through the EdISU set of requirements (undergraduate and MSc students) or through individual reports (other categories of students, ie PhD students, postgraduate medical students and post-doctoral fellows).

EdISU have published recently the 2014 tables, which can be downloaded here. Undergraduate and MSc students are asked to study these tables carefully in order to be aware of the requirements that they have to meet ahead of submission of their exam results in mid July and their interviews in July. The dates for submission of the exam reports and the dates for interviews will be communicated at a later stage.

Undergraduate and MSc students who intend to leave College before the end of July but intend to apply for confirmation of their College placements for the academic year 2014/15 need to contact the College Master at least two weeks before the date in which they plan to leave College in order to arrange submission of their exam reports and interview.

PhD students, postgraduate medical students and post-doctoral fellows will be contacted separately with instructions for submission of their reports.

Wednesday, 04 June 2014 18:42

Wifi Network

The College is pleased to confirm that EdISU has tendered the contract for the new wifi network.  This new, single network will cover the South Wing (the area of the College currently in use) as well as the new North Wing that will house the  Graduate Section of Volta. At a later stage the network will further extend to selected areas outside the College buildings, including the Great and Little Courts. This further extension of the network will develop in parallel with the landscaping project and aims to enable full use of the College grounds.

The new wifi network will be the most advanced of any College in Pavia and will ensure that every student in every room of the College will have fast and secure internet access. The hardware currently in use (switches and access points) will be removed. Work will start first in the South Wing and continue in the North Wing.  The College expects that the new wifi network will be complete and operational by the end of June

Wednesday, 04 June 2014 18:16

Open Day

The College wishes to organise an Open Day in June in which College members can visit and acquaint themselves with the facilities available in the new North Wing.  This Open Day is scheduled provisionally on the 13th of June and will be confirmed closer to the time in order to ensure that furniture fitting (kitchens, bedrooms, etc) has been completed by that date.

From September/October 2014 hte North Wing will house all graduate members of the College, namely MSc and PhD students, students  of one year MA Courses, postgraduate medical students, post-doctoral fellows and graduate visitors. Thus It will constitute the Graduate Section of Volta.  In addition it will also house the College guest rooms, which will moved from the South wing to the North wing.  At least initially, the North Wing may also house a number of College undergraduates as it may not fill entirely with graduate members in 2014/15.

All College students are warmly encouraged to join the Open Day, The staff of the College office will be available on site in order to guide students to the new rooms and illustrate furniture and facilities.. Finger food and drinks will be provided.

Special Bursaries

In addition to the EdISU bursaries described under the relevant, eligible student categories (undergraduates and MSc students), in 2013 the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) introduced a new bursary scheme speciallly designed for Italian University undergraduate and MSc students with top marks (>95% in their pre-University examination) and who study outside the region in which they live. This is a highly competitive but generous bursary scheme, details of which (in Italian) can be found  here. Collegio Volta  is keen to encourage eligible students to apply for this scheme and welcome into College students who are eligible for support under this scheme. The College also encourages students who are considering applications under this scheme to write to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. () in order to receive the necessary advice and support throughout the application process.

Students living in Regione Lombardia are uneligible to apply for a bursary under this scheme for studying at the University of Pavia but may apply for standard EdISU bursaries,

Sunday, 04 May 2014 06:52

Public Speaking

Gianluca Mainino, lecturer in Public Speaking at the University of Pavia will give a short (two hour) Course on how to deliver effective speeches to public audiences  in the library of Collegio Golgi on May 13th at 8.30 pm.  The poster of the event can be downloaded here. The Course is free.

The ability to deliver contents effectively is specially crucial for University students during thei Course, during the final examination and at job interviews.  Gianluca Mainino is an expert in public speaking and the students of Collegio Volta are strongly encouraged to enrol in the Course by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Monday, 05 May 2014 20:50

Giuseppe Siciliano

College MSc student Giuseppe Siciliano has won a major international award from the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) (http://www.mtt.org/students.html). The award is one of twenty that the Society assigns every year for innovative projects in the Microwave and RF (Radio Frequency) field and  includes a cash sum ($1 ,500) and a travel grant ($ 1,000) to attend the International Microwave Symposium (IMS), a major conference held annualy in the US of and attended by engineeres and scientists in the Microwave and RF field worldwide.

Giuseppe will attend the conference in Tampa Bay, Florida, 1-6 June 2014 (http://www.ims2014.org/) with his research supervisors Maurizio Bozzi and Luca Perregrini and co-worker  Enrico Massoni who will share with Giuseppe the MTT-S award. 

The College community united wishes to congratulate Giuseppe for this major recognition to his talent and hard work. A more detailed account will follow in the Academic Life section of the College website (External Awards).

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