Giuseppe Siciliano

College MSc student Giuseppe Siciliano has won a major international award from the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) ( The award is one of twenty that the Society assigns every year for innovative projects in the Microwave and RF (Radio Frequency) field and  includes a cash sum ($1 ,500) and a travel grant ($ 1,000) to attend the International Microwave Symposium (IMS), a major conference held annualy in the US of and attended by engineeres and scientists in the Microwave and RF field worldwide.

Giuseppe will attend the conference in Tampa Bay, Florida, 1-6 June 2014 ( with his research supervisors Maurizio Bozzi and Luca Perregrini and co-worker  Enrico Massoni who will share with Giuseppe the MTT-S award. 

The College community united wishes to congratulate Giuseppe for this major recognition to his talent and hard work. A more detailed account will follow in the Academic Life section of the College website (External Awards).

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