Camille Pissarro

The College has received notice from M Rostan, deputy Chancellor for Students’ Welfare at the University and from Paolo Benazzo, EdISU President, that the University and EdISU have secured a special entrance ticket price (€ 10.00 instead of € 15.00) for students of the University of Pavia wishing to visit the Camille Pissarro’s exhibition currently at Castello Visconte in Pavia (The soul of impressionism, 21 February – 2 June 2014).

The exhibition has been organised by Alef, an art/science/events company based in Milan, and includes 22 paintings by Camillo Pissarro, 3 paintings of his son Lucien and additional work by V van Gogh, P Gaugin and JBC Corot.

This is a major opportunity for the members of Volta to take sight of the work of one of most influential painters of the French impressionism and thus College students are warmly encouraged to take advantage of the reduce entrance fee and and visit the exhibition (Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 7.00 pm and Saturday/Sundays 9.00 am to 8.00 pm).

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