A Scientific Education

Carl E Wieman, a Nobel laureate in Physics from Stanford University will give the fifth seminar of the College series on Access to Education onlinehis contributions to  in the College Lecture Theatre at 6.00 pm on tthe 3rd of May.  Carl E Wieman, known for this contributions to the discovery of Einstein-Bose condensates, has argued for years that current approaches to the teaching of science subjects are ineffective and has offered new and radical approaches to this important topic. The majority of Volta undergraduate and postgraduate students are engaged in science studies and alll members of the College are warmly encouraged to attend Carl E Wieman's seminar.

The poster of the event is available here.  The abstract of the seminar and a short biographic sketch of the speaker can be found at this page.

A graphic representation of physical variables accounting generated by an Artificial Intelligence approach. Courtesy of the Department of Engineering of Columbia University.

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