General Facilities

The College currently offers accommodation to 120 students (204 after completion of the North Wing in October 2014) in individual rooms with en suite facilities. The rooms are arranged in apartments consisting of 4 or 6 rooms sharing the use of a kitchen (and a sitting room in the New Wing. In addition the College has 8 guest rooms each of which has two single beds, en suite facilities and the shared use of a kitchen. Standard student rooms have a bed, a wardrobe, a night table, a desk and a small bookcase. Rooms are cleaned twice per week and bed linen is provided and changed weekly. All rooms have a telephone that can be connected to external numbers via the porter's desk and internet access. A few details of several communal College facilities are provided below.


The main College lecture theatre is a modern room on the first floor of the building offering 121 seats, microphones, projection facilities and web connection.The College also has a large seminar ...
The main College lecture theatre is a modern room on the first floor of the building offering 121 seats, microphones, projection facilities and web ...
In addition to the two main libraries located on the ground floor, details of which are provided in a separate page, the College has 6 study rooms on the 1st and 2nd floors in which ...
In addition to the two main libraries located on the ground floor, details of which are provided in a separate page, the College has 6 ...
The college has a gym open 24 hours a day. It is located in two rooms on the 1st floor and is equipped with a tapis roulant, boxing bag, cyclette, rowing machine, weights and a large mirror. The ...
The college has a gym open 24 hours a day. It is located in two rooms on the 1st floor and is equipped with a tapis roulant, boxing bag, cyclette, ...
Additional College facilities include a breakfast room (with dispensers for snacks and drinks and daily newspapers, a TV room with VHS, DVD players and satellite receiver, a game room with pinball ...
Additional College facilities include a breakfast room (with dispensers for snacks and drinks and daily newspapers, a TV room with VHS, DVD players ...

Boys Football

Although Collegio Volta has yet to win any such tournament, the boys football team has made strong progress over the years in the football intercollegiate tournament and reached quarter finals in 2011/12. The 2011/12 team included J Perez Solis, I Ferraro, A Abdulyawad, D Bonaretti, F Ciccone, G Mandriani, M Vece (captain), G Badessi, M Russo, G Kana Tsigua, D Greco, C Nandjo Nandjo and L Miraglia. The team was managed by L Bellotti with support from P Stefanizzi and S Manieri.
The College also entered a second, 7 aside boys football team, including F Ciccone, G Mandriani, M Vece (captain), G Badessi, M Russo, L Bellotti, D Greco, L Miraglia and M Sali into a country league tournament (Prima Copa Libertadores) and won this.


Girls Football

Girls football has a growing role in the life of the University of Pavia and for several years a girls football intercollegiate tournament has been organised. The girls of Collegio Volta have taken an active interest and College entered a 7 aside girls football team into the intercollegiate tournament since 2011/12. The team included Silvana Di Bello (captain), Giulia Bonaretti, Michela Arnaudo, Luana Biondo, Alessia Spera, Maria Cristina Cimbalo, Jessica Milesi, Anna Quiroga, Francesca Melia, Mariya Gorodilova, Francesca Barbaro, Myroslava Kissova and Roberta Smiederle.The team was managed by Leonardo Bellotti with support from Michele Vece and Giuseppe Mandriani and came 6th in its group and 13th overall. The links below provide updates on girls football at Volta in later years.


Girls football has remained popular during the 2012/13 academic year. Sixteen Volta girls have been involved including some with previous football training as well as several newcomers. The ...
Girls football has remained popular during the 2012/13 academic year. Sixteen Volta girls have been involved including some with previous ...


Ferrandi & Vitale
College students Marco Vitale and Gabriele Ferrandi are top paralympic archery athletes. Marco Vitale is a mature undergraduate student in Media Studies and a athlete of Olympic stature. He competed both in the Athens 2004 and Bejing 2008 paralympic games and won silver medal (individual competition) and a bronze medal (team competition) at the Bejing paralympics. Gabriele Ferrandi, an MSc student in Neurobiology, took up archery in 2005, won the Italian junior championship in 2006 and qualified for the London 2012 paralympics.


Medical undergraduate Corrado Regalbuto is a rowing athlete of world status. He has won 6 Italian championships between 2004 and 2012 as well as silver and gold medals in under 23 world championships (coxless four and coxed eight).

External Awards

Several Volta students may enter competition for external Awards (University Prizes or other types of Awards from outside bodies). Equally students who complete a first or MSc degree at the University of Pavia and at Collegio Volta may apply for PhD studentships or competitive fellowships from Italian or international bodies. The College is proud to record these achievement and this information will be collected in the page External Awards from the academic year 2013/14.

Prize Students

The College aims to institute full Prize Studentships in key subjects reflecting the interests of the College and the main Courses studied at Volta from the academic year 2015/16. These Prize studentships will be named after distinguished scholars, of the University of Pavia where suitable, who can inspire young students to follow on their examples. As an interim step, the College has introduced a system in which undergraduates and MSc students who have particularly distinguished themselves during the academic year receive a public citation and a written statement from College during the General Assembly at the start of Freshers' week in October.

 19 August 2018
The Prize students for the academic year 2017/18 were announced during the General College Assembly of 1st October 2018 and included the students listed below. The College wishes to congratulate all ...
The Prize students for the academic year 2017/18 were announced during the General College Assembly of 1st October 2018 and included the students ...
19 August 2018
 19 August 2018
The Prize students for the academic year 2016/17 were announced during the General College Assembly of 2nd October 2017 and included the students listed below. The College wishes to congratulate all ...
The Prize students for the academic year 2016/17 were announced during the General College Assembly of 2nd October 2017 and included the students ...
19 August 2018
 19 August 2018
The Prize students for the academic year 2015/16 were announced during the General College Assembly of 3rd October 2016  and included the students listed below. The College wishes to ...
The Prize students for the academic year 2015/16 were announced during the General College Assembly of 3rd October 2016  and included the ...
19 August 2018
 19 August 2018
The Prize students for the academic year 2014/15 were announced during the General College Assembly of 13th October 2015  and included the students listed below. The College wishes to ...
The Prize students for the academic year 2014/15 were announced during the General College Assembly of 13th October 2015  and included the ...
19 August 2018
 19 August 2018
The Prize students for the academic year 2013/14 were announced during the General College Assembly of 6th October 2014  and included the students listed below. The College wishes to ...
The Prize students for the academic year 2013/14 were announced during the General College Assembly of 6th October 2014  and included the ...
19 August 2018
 04 September 2013
The Prize students for the academic year 2012/13 have been announced during the General College Assembly of 7th October 2013 and included four College undergraduates and four MSc students. There were ...
The Prize students for the academic year 2012/13 have been announced during the General College Assembly of 7th October 2013 and included four ...
04 September 2013

Lazzaro Spallanzani. L'esploratore dei confini della vita

19 February 2013. 
P Mazzarello, Universita’ di Pavia and U Muscatello, Universita’ di Modena. 

A critical tribute to the scientific legacy of L Spallanzani by a historian of science (PM) and a pathologist (UM) who has played a key role in the publication of the national edition of the works of the great Italian naturalist. The speakers illustrated the persoanility, the research methodology and the major scientific contributions of Spallanzani, which offered tremendous insights into the natural world spanning from the study of rocks to that of reproduction, digestion, etc. They also uncovered some of his less known research, for example on respiration, which later attracted tremendous recognition by scientists of the calibre of Louis Pasteur.

Occhio ai virus

21 January 2013. 
G Maga. IGM CNR, Pavia.

A clear and informative introduction to the role of viruses in life and disease and the importance of their study. The title of the seminar was from Occhio ai Virus. Se li conosci sai come difenderti,  the book on viruses published by G Maga for Zanichelli in October 2012.  The book itself offers a beautiful introduction to the study of viruses in non technical language and is an excellent contribution to biology, medicine and the public understanding of science, an area of contemporary culture that requires commitment and fresh inputs in Italy and elsewhere. 

Il Conflitto Israeliano-Palestinese

10 December 2012. 

V Chudinov, M Jazmawi, & G Lebovic.

Three different points of view by a Palestinian-Israeli and two Israeli students on a conflict that has now lasted for more than sixty years and has seen, this far, little prospect of resolution. The speakers discussed the origin of the conflict, the reasons that have precented a negotiated solution and the steps that the two sides may need to adopt in order to  remove the major obstacles for peace and settle one the longest conflicts of hte Middle East..


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