%PM, %06 %462 %2013 %12:%Oct

University Courses 2013/14

Volta students have an opportunity to meet their Director of Studies through a series of meetings during Freshers'  Week. On October 8th R Bottinelli will illustrate the pre-clinical Medical Courses at Pavia (Golgi and Harvey) at 5.00 pm and S Govoni will outline the Pharmacy Courses at 6.00 pm.  On October 9th G Rampa will explain the Courses in Economics at 5.00 pm and M Pampanin will follow describing the Law Courses at 6.00 pm. On October 10th C Cinquini and A Ferrara will illustrate the Courses in Engineering at 5.00 pm after which  G Guizzetti will discuss the Courses in Physics at 6.00 pm.  The meetings are aimed at new members of College but all students are invited because the Director of Studies will overview the whole Courses and the subjects studied at different years.

%AM, %27 %976 %2013 %00:%Sep

Autumn Bikes Cull

The customary autumn cull of old and abandoned bicycles is underway. On Monday the 30th of September old bicycles will be tagged and on Friday the 4th of October unclaimed bicyles will be disposed from College.  It is expected that the cull will free approximately twenty places in the College bike racks for freshers moving into College in the next couple of weeks and bringing their own bike.

%PM, %09 %923 %2013 %23:%Sep

Intesa San Paolo Bursaries

The Intesa San Paolo Bank Foundation has opened a call for a bursary scheme for students enrolled at the University of Pavia.

The fund available is € 25,000, with individual bursaries between € 1,500 and € 3,000 each.  This a hardship scheme, is a scheme for students who find themselves in financial difficulties or suffer physical or mental disabilities.

Details of the scheme and instructions for applications (in Italian) are available from the following link: Bando di Concorso per l' assegnazine di contributi a favore di studenti universitari, which also contains an application form. Volta students who have been unable to reach the EdISU threshold for application for bursaries and/or College placements and who may have seen their financial situation or that of their family change in recent times are strongly encouraged to consider an application. 

The deadline for application is 31 October 2013

Prize Students 2012/13

The Prize students for the academic year 2012/13 have been announced during the General College Assembly of 7th October 2013 and included four College undergraduates and four MSc students. There were two prizes in Medicine, one for the 3 year Courses and one for the 6 year Courses (Golgi and Harvey). The College wishes to congratulate all eight students for their superb achievement.


Name: Michela Arnaudo
Course: Obst & Gynaecology, Year: 3

Name: Beatrice Lena
Course: Physics, Year: 2

Name: Laura Croce
Course: Medicine, Year: 6

Name: Giuseppe Siciliano
Course: Engineering, Year: 3


Msc Students

Name: Rosalia Cacciatore
Course: Biology, Year: 1

Name: Federico Vecchietti
Course: Engineering, Year: 2

Ame: Petra Gurisova
Course: Economics, Year: 1

Name: Marco Cobianchi
Course: Physics, Year: 1


Students Committees 2013/14

General elections have been held in the week starting on 28th of October 2013 resulting in the following students being elected to the VSU executive, the House Committee, the Library Committee and the Sports Committee. The Committees have taken up their role in College on 31 October 2013.

Volta Students' Union Executive

Name: Giorgio Badessi (President)
Course: Medicine, Year 2

Name: Benedetta Broggi
Course: Medicine, Year 2

Name: Giuseppe Siciliano
Course: Computer Engineering, Year 1 (MSc)

Name: Dario Bonaretti
Course: Economics, Year 2 (MSc)


Other Committees

R Collotta, Child Neurology,Year 2, Giuseppe Semeraro, Pharmaceutical Science, Year 3
Niccolò Previati, Construction Sci, Year 2, (Diploma)

Daniela Conforti, Bioengineering, Year 3, Chiara Francioso, Biology,Year 2,
Innocenzo Ferraro, Biology, Year2 (MSc)

Simone Veneroni, Medicine, Year 3, Luana Biondo, Pharmacy, Year 5, Andrea Gallone, Electronic Engineering, Year 1



Students' Union

The Volta Student's Union (VSU, ASV in Italian) is the main College student body. The VSU exists in order to represent students' interests, promote cultural and social life, maintain links with other College or University student societies in Pavia and contribute ideas to College management. At the beginning of the year College students elect a four member Executive that coordinates VSU policy and meets the Master and College staff officially formally three times a year and informally on a regular basis. College students also elect each year a four member Library Committee that advises College on the running of the two College libraries, study rooms and computer rooms. The Library Committee collects proposals from students for new journals, books and DVDs and for upgrading communal computers and printers. The Library Committee meets the Master and College staff three times a year. Finally, students elect a Sport Committee that coordinates the sport activities in College, especially team sports. Notwithstanding the presence in College of several athletes of international standard, Volta needs to develop further its role in University sports arena. 


 19 October 2021
In October 2021 College students elected a new, 6 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union (3 undergraduates and 3 postgraduates).  No election had taken place in October 2020 due to ...
In October 2021 College students elected a new, 6 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union (3 undergraduates and 3 postgraduates).  ...
19 October 2021
 30 October 2019
In October 2019 College students elected a new, 6 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union (3 undergraduates and 3 postgraduates).  Elected committee members are listed below.  ...
In October 2019 College students elected a new, 6 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union (3 undergraduates and 3 postgraduates).  ...
30 October 2019
 03 November 2018
In October 2018 College students elected a new, 6 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union (3 undergraduates and 3 postgraduates).  Elected committee members are listed below.  ...
In October 2018 College students elected a new, 6 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union (3 undergraduates and 3 postgraduates).  ...
03 November 2018
 19 August 2018
In October 2017 College students elected a new, 8 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union. The members elected are listed below.  Volta Students' Union Executive Name: Paride ...
In October 2017 College students elected a new, 8 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union. The members elected are listed below.  ...
19 August 2018
 19 August 2018
In October 2016 College students elected a new, 8 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union. The members elected are listed below.  A Barone and M Perrone served in the Committee one ...
In October 2016 College students elected a new, 8 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union. The members elected are listed below.  A ...
19 August 2018
 19 August 2018
In October 2015 College students elected a new, 8 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union. The members elected are listed below.  All were elected to serve a full year in the ...
In October 2015 College students elected a new, 8 member strong executive of the Volta Students' Union. The members elected are listed below.  ...
19 August 2018
 19 August 2018
The academic year 2014/15 saw a sea change in students' representation at Collegio Volta.  With the completion and opening of the new North wing of the College, housing 78 graduate students and ...
The academic year 2014/15 saw a sea change in students' representation at Collegio Volta.  With the completion and opening of the new North wing ...
19 August 2018
 04 September 2013
General elections have been held in the week starting on 28th of October 2013 resulting in the following students being elected to the VSU executive, the House Committee, the Library Committee and ...
General elections have been held in the week starting on 28th of October 2013 resulting in the following students being elected to the VSU executive, ...
04 September 2013
 26 July 2013
General elections have been held in the week starting on 15th October 2012 resulting in the following students being elected to the VSU executive, the Library Committee and the Sports Committee. The ...
General elections have been held in the week starting on 15th October 2012 resulting in the following students being elected to the VSU executive, ...
26 July 2013



Studying Abroad

Several College students have, in previous academic years, studied abroad under the Erasmus scheme. Starting from 2013/14, Volta will actively encourage College students to study abroad for several months or, where possible, for a full academic year. The College will offer advice and support toward study visits and the schemes and funding available in order to ensure wide participation. It will also introduce new schemes dedicated to themembers of Volta.

Starting from the academic year 2013/14, the College will actively manage periods of study abroad as follows:

There are two Erasmus scheme currently in place: so-called Erasmus study and Erasmus placements. The two schemes differ because the first one involves registration at the University being visited, Course attendance and examination(s). The second one is more flexible and is suitable for students who seek a period of training in a University laboratory or a clinical Department or in a company. The deadline for applications are given in the Table below. The College will collect expression of interests in either scheme at the start of the academic year and will provide support in addition to the one available to all students through the University Erasmus office.

The Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) or German Academic Exchange Scheme offers an impressive number of schemes that cater from yr undergraduates across to MA, MSc and PhD students (and lecturers as well) for periods of study and training at German Universities.  The scheme provides generous financial support and access to German language Courses although students lacking German may apply for placements at a large number of Courses taught in English at German Universities. 

In addition to the University-managed Erasmus schemes, EdISU has three schemes in place with two European Universities (the University of Konstanz in Baden Wurttemberg, Germany and Trinity College Dublin in the Republic of Ireland)and several American Universities subscribing to the ISEP scheme. These schemes enable visits of 3 to 8 months and are supported through a bursary scheme through which successful applicants receive € 550 per month, in addition to their basic EdISU bursary for students in receipt of EdISU bursaries, and a travel grant of up to € 150 for study at a European University and € 500 for study at a non European University. Students of Medicine have access to a further study abroad scheme managed by SISM, the Italian Secretariat of Medical Students. SISM exchanges have a duration of one to two months and, under current arrangements, provide free accommodation.

Collegio Volta
The College is exploring further students’ exchange scheme, in addtion to the ones outlined above, with several Universities with a Collegiate system and expects that the first such scheme will be activated during the academic year 2014/15, after the official opening of Collegio Volta. The College-backed schemes will enable selected students to study at the relevant University for periods of 1 to 3 months during the summer. Table 1 below summarises all schemes available to students registered at the University of Pavia for travel and study abroad.  Although the largest schemes are the EU ones (Erasmus), there are a number of other useful schemes that Volta students may wish to consider. Students should also bear in mind that several of the schemes request demonstrable knowledege of the English language.  It is essential therefore that students approach the office in question at the University (details at the bottom of Table) in considerable advance in order to receive additional informations about eligibility and requirements and complete the relevant applications well ahead of the deadine.

Main schemes for study abroad available to students registered with the University of Pavia

students exchanges


Dining Halls

Edisu manages directly two students’ dining halls that provide food and drinks at lunch time and/or dinner time to students registered with the University of Pavia, visiting students and University staff. In addition,  EdISU has agreements in place with several other restaurants/ dining halls that provide food and drinks at the same price of the EdISU ones. Further details (names, location, contacts and type of food available) are listed below.

The details of the students’ dining halls at the University of Pavia are the following:

Fraccaro EdISU  2, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci  0382 304048 pasta dishes, main courses, etc...
Centrale EdISU   2, Corso Carlo Alberto 0382 33526 sandwiches, pasta dishes, pizza
Cravino  Contractor  2, via A Bassi  0382 422130 sandwiches, pasta dishes, pizza & cafeteria 
Castiglioni  Contractor   20, via San Martino  0382 303074 sandwiches, pasta dishes, pizza & cafeteria 
Unigest Contractor   20, Via A Ferrata  0382 529682 pasta dishes, main courses, etc...

The cost for a full meal ranges from € 3.30 to € 5.50 depending on the student's income band. Students, in particular the newly arrived ones, may wish to inspect the map of students’ dining halls available on the EdISU website in order to familiarise themselves with the location across town of the dining halls and the best means of transport.  They may also wish to check  the opening times of the students’ dining halls on the relevant page of the EdISU website.


alumni2The College is seeking to establish an Alumni Society with former students who are willing to take a broad and long-term interest in the  work and development of Volta. The Alumni Society will work closely with the College Master and the Volta Students Union. It will discuss College policy and strategy and  submit ideas and topics for discussion in order to strengthen scholarship and enhance the recognition of Volta in Italy and abroad.


The legal Constitution of the Volta Alumni Society (VAS) can be downloaded from the respective link (the document is in Italian). Briefly, VAS is a not for profit organisation, whose membership is open to all Volta students who spent at least a full academic year in College. VAS aims to support the College by helping and extending its work in fullfillment of the College mission and increase, consequently, the visibility of the College in Italy and abroad. 

At a practical level, members of VAS will hold a general meeting in College once a year, generally in the spring, during which time dates and procedures will be for election of the President, secretary and other members of the executive Committee. The executive Committee, in turn will put proposals to VAS members and College for work in all areas in which College is active. VAS members will pay a small subscription fee in order to cover costs and will be actively engaged in fund raising with the view to extend the budget available in the College as whole for the cultural life of the College, Prize studentships, travel grants, etc...

%PM, %26 %891 %2013 %22:%Aug

Summer School in Emergency Medicine

The College is pleased to be associated with the organisation of the International Summer School in Emergency and Disaster Medicine.  The School has been organised by Giovanni Ricevuti of the Department of Internal Medicine of the University and will take place from Monday the 2nd until Friday the 6th of September 2013. A detailed programme and the application form are available on the school website.

Lectures and demonstrations cover metabolic and toxicologic emergencies (Sep 2nd), neurologic emergencies caused by strokes or brain tumours or infectious agents (Sep 3rd), the use of ultrasounds in emergency medicine (Sep 4th), emergencies caused by heart or lung failures (Sep 5th) and disaster medicine, ie medical interventions and management of major natural and human-made catastrophes (Sep 6th).  

Lectures take place mainly in College or at the neighbour Institute Casimiro Mondino of Clinical Neurology and are offered by medical staff from the Hospitals San Matteo in Pavia, the Hospital Santi Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo in Alessandria, the Hospital Sant' Anna in Como, the Institute Mondino, the regional Emergency Services (Lomardia), the Italian Military Red Cross and the Italian Military.


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