Summer School in Emergency Medicine

The College is pleased to be associated with the organisation of the International Summer School in Emergency and Disaster Medicine.  The School has been organised by Giovanni Ricevuti of the Department of Internal Medicine of the University and will take place from Monday the 2nd until Friday the 6th of September 2013. A detailed programme and the application form are available on the school website.

Lectures and demonstrations cover metabolic and toxicologic emergencies (Sep 2nd), neurologic emergencies caused by strokes or brain tumours or infectious agents (Sep 3rd), the use of ultrasounds in emergency medicine (Sep 4th), emergencies caused by heart or lung failures (Sep 5th) and disaster medicine, ie medical interventions and management of major natural and human-made catastrophes (Sep 6th).  

Lectures take place mainly in College or at the neighbour Institute Casimiro Mondino of Clinical Neurology and are offered by medical staff from the Hospitals San Matteo in Pavia, the Hospital Santi Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo in Alessandria, the Hospital Sant' Anna in Como, the Institute Mondino, the regional Emergency Services (Lomardia), the Italian Military Red Cross and the Italian Military.


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