Volta Political Society (VPOS)

A number of Volta students have a strong interest in social and political issues. The Volta Political Society (VPOS) catalyses these interests that have yielded numerous initiatives in previous years from an open debate on  the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Arab Spring, the future of the European Union, etc.

The following students have enrolled in the VSEC for the academic year 2021/22.  Ludovica Ferrero has agreed to act as Secretary to the Society for this academic year.

Sladjana    Ajdinovic
Amina    Amer
Ilham    El Ouizi
Ludovica    Ferrero
Valerio    Florestano
Elisa I    Hobelsberger
Maria Pia    Longo
Eleonora    Nicodemo
Dario    Pulito
Ines    Shopi
Michele    Songini
Sharareh    Banihashemi
Paolo    Catarsi
Davide    Sogliani

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