
The College offers a basic Course on Computer Coding open to all students.  The Course will take place from October until mid December and will involve 16 hours of teaching arranged in eight sessions of two hours each (one session per week). The College requests that each student at Volta attends a computing Course and, under current arrangements, students can choose between this Course on Computer Coding, a Web Design Course and a LaTeX Course  There is no enrolment fee for any of the Course on computing. The poster of the Course can be downeloaded here and a Course flyer can be downloadd here.

With the breathtaking development of computing and their impact on everyday life and work, it is essential that as many people as possible master at least the basic principles and the 'alphabet' of computer coding.  The Course will offer an introduction to popular coding languages and tools (C, PHP, JavaScript, SQL), build practical examples throughout and ensure that students wishing to further their learning of computer programming will be offered the necessary tools for doing so. 


Pavlo Burda 

01. Code editor, CSS, Django administration and forms
02. Django installation, models, query sets and templates
03. Django urls, views, dynamic data in templates, extensions
04. Internet, installation, command line
05. Introduction to HTML and Phyton. Phyton installation and examples
06. Extending templates, what's next, first Django project
07. Attendance


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