Friday, 09 June 2023 23:09

Collegio Universitario di Merito

Collegio A Volta is officially a Collegio Universitario di Merito according to the terms and requirements set by the Ministry for Universities and Research. The official, ministerial act is available on the College web site at this page.

Volta fulfilled the requirements set by Ministry during the academic year 2018/19 and maintained them ever since but Ministry suspended formal procedures for three years due to the Covid pandemic and only resumed them in September 2022.  The College gratefully acknowledges the support of College staff and the role of Volta students in the process that led to this major achievement.

Wednesday, 17 May 2023 17:44

First Intervention Medicine

The Harvey Medical Society, a student's group hosted by Collegio A Volta, is holding a meeting on First Intervention Medicine in the College Lecture Theatre on Thursday the 18th of May at 6.30 pm.  The guest speaker will be Dr Attracta Heffernan, MB, BCh, a graduate of Trinity College Dublin who has worked as an Associate Specialist in Accident and Emergency Medicine, Beaumont Hospital Dublin until 2020.

All medical students of Collegio Volta are invited to attend. The poster of the event is available here

Image courtesy of

Wednesday, 10 May 2023 20:24

Behavioural Eating Disorders

Collegio B Griziotti is holding an interesting day meeting on 20th of May on Behavioural Eating Disorders.  Nutrition is a major health issue: half the deaths that occur worldwide before the age of 5 are due to under or malnutrition and 1.9 billion people out of 8 billions are obese.  Behavioural Eating Disorders are another significant health challenge. They frequently affect young people and have a major impact on the life, study and work of the persons affected.

The meeting of 20th of May involves local experts and will provide a valuable opportunity for addressing the topic. The meeting is open to students outside Collegio B Griziotti including interested members of Volta.

The poster of the event is available here

Saturday, 06 May 2023 15:35

Macromolecular NMR

Christina Redfield, Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Oxford will give a course in College on Macromolecular NMR starting on Monday the 8th of May each day from 2.00 pm in College lecure theatre. The Course wll be of special interest to postgraduate members of College reading Cheistry, Biology, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences subjects.

The poster of the event is available here.  Additioanl information is available at this page.

Graphic representation of the NMR analysis of a protein showing that part of the protein is folded and part is disordered (courtesy of K Wüthrich).

Macromolecular NMR

Christina Redfield, Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Oxford and a world leader in the biological applications of NMis giving an advanced, postgraduate course on Macormolecular NMR.  The course is of special interest to Colleg students enrolled in MSc Courses in Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The poster of the Course is available here. The main topics of the Course are the following:

[1] Basic concepts in NMR Spectroscopy
[2] Assignment of Protein NMR Spectra
[3] Assignment using 1H NMR methods
[4] Assignment using 15N and 13C Labeling
[5] Extracting Structural Information from NMR Parameters
[6] Structure Determination from NMR
[7] Protein Dynamics
[8] NMR of Nucleic Acids
[9] Protein-ligand interactions

Image: Typical two-dimensional NMR spectra.



Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics and Applications

Ugo Gianazza, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Pavia and former director of the Department of Mathematics is giving an advanced, postgraduate course on the Mathematics of Fluid Mechanics and its Applications in College starting on March 20th and continuing twice a week (Monday and Thursday) at 6.00 pm in Seminar Room 1 until the end of May. College students enrolled in MSc or PhD Courses in Mathematics, Physics, Engineering and Chemistry are welcome to join this lecture series.  The main topics covered by the course are listed below:

[1] Physics of the Navier-Stokes Equations
[2] Preliminary Analytical Tools
[3] Time-Dependent Navier-Stokes Equations in Bounded Domains
[4] Proof of the Leray-Hopf Existence Theorem
[5] Higher Integrability and Consequences
[6] Recovering the Pressure
[7] A Short Introduction to Partial Regularity
[8] Applications and Open Problems

The poster of the course is available here. The lecture notes of the course are available here.

Image: Courtesy of the University of Minnesota (



Saturday, 18 March 2023 13:21

Fluid Mechanics

Ugo Gianazza, professor of Mathematics at the University of Pavia and a former of the Department of Mathematics, will give a Course in College on Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics and Applications. The Course is addressed to MSc students in Mathematics, Physics, Engineering and Chemistry and College students enrolled in these course are welcome to participate.

The poster of this lecture series is available here. A list of key topics to be covered in the course is available on the poster itself.

Courtesy of CJ Howland (University of Cambridge).

Thursday, 20 April 2023 07:23

A Scientific Education

Carl E Wieman, a Nobel laureate in Physics from Stanford University will give the fifth seminar of the College series on Access to Education onlinehis contributions to  in the College Lecture Theatre at 6.00 pm on tthe 3rd of May.  Carl E Wieman, known for this contributions to the discovery of Einstein-Bose condensates, has argued for years that current approaches to the teaching of science subjects are ineffective and has offered new and radical approaches to this important topic. The majority of Volta undergraduate and postgraduate students are engaged in science studies and alll members of the College are warmly encouraged to attend Carl E Wieman's seminar.

The poster of the event is available here.  The abstract of the seminar and a short biographic sketch of the speaker can be found at this page.

A graphic representation of physical variables accounting generated by an Artificial Intelligence approach. Courtesy of the Department of Engineering of Columbia University.

Thursday, 20 April 2023 07:12

Personalised Medicine

Salvatore Piscuoglio of the University of Basel will give a seminar at 4.30 pm on Wednesday the 26th of April at the Golgi//Spallanzani Institute (via A Ferrata 9) entitle Augmenting Precision Oncology Using in Silico Tools and patient-derived 3d Models. Cancer therapy is one of the areas in which the development of personalised approaches is proving very valuable and the seminar will review progress in the field and highlight the speaker's contribution. All College students are invited to attend, in particular medical students and science students reading Biology, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The poster of the event is available here.  The abstract of the seminar and a short biographic sketch of the speaker can be found at this page.

A Scientific Approach to Science Education

3 May 2023.  Carl E Wieman, Stanford University
A scientific Approach to Science Education

On Wednesday the 3rd of May 2023 at 6.00 pm, Carl E Wieman of Stanford University will give an online seminar entitled A scientific Approach to Science Education in the College Lecture Theaatre.  Carl E Wieeman, a Nobel laureate in Phyiscs for the discovery of the Einstein-Bose condensates, has been a strong advocate for the development of new and more effective ways to teach science subjects and has contributed new and radical ideas to this important topic. The poster of the seminar is available here


Guided by experimental tests of theory and practice, science and engineering have advanced rapidly in the past 500 years.  Guided primarily by tradition and dogma, education in these subjects has remained largely medieval.  Recent research on how people learn, combined with careful experiments in university classrooms, is now revealing much more effective ways to teach and evaluate learning than is currently used in most classes.  I will discuss these results and what they tell us about principles of learning and their effective implementation in science courses.  This research is setting the stage for a new approach to teaching that can provide the relevant and effective science education for all students that is needed for the 21st century.  It also shows better ways to evaluate teaching quality.

Biographical Sketch
Carl Wieman is a Professor of Physics and Education at Stanford University. Wieman has done extensive experimental research in both atomic physics (Nobel Prize in physics 2001) and university science and engineering education (Carnegie Foundation Professor of the Year 2004). He founded PhET, which provides online interactive simulations that are used 100 million times/year to learn science and recently published a book “Improving how universities teach science”. He is currently studying expertise and problem solving in science and engineering disciplines, and how this can be better measured and taught. Most recently, he is the recipient of the 2020 Yidan International Prize for Education Research.

Eric Cornell and Carl Wieman in their laboratory at Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysic in Boulder, Colorado at the time in which they conducted their research on the Einstein-Bose condensates.

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