Arts and Humanities for the Sciences

20 April 2023.  Claudia Carter, Birmingham City University.

On Thursday the 20th of April 2023 at 6.00 pm, Claudia Carter, of Birmingham City University will give a seminar entitled From STEM to STEAM (Science, Technology, Arts, Engineering, Mathematics) The seminar will address the time-honoured but never settled debate on the role of the Arts and Humanities in Science Education, The terms of this debate have changed at different points in the history of western culture without an adetuate solution, at least in modern times. Claudia Carter has contributed actively to this debate and will review current ideas, proposals and programmes that may address the gap between the 'two cultures'.. The poster of the seminar is available here


This seminar presents research on defining STEAM principles and exploring approaches and methods for embedding STEAM in Higher Education.  As part of this the differences between multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinarity will be explained and research findings from the European Erasmus+ funded STEAM INC project shared.  The talk will help stimulate reflections on our professional identities and the potentially transformative ways of inter- and transdisciplinary thinking and working.  While STEAM is seen as an amazing opportunity for collaborative research and practice, the talk will also outline the range of different motivations and values of those promoting STEAM endeavours.

Biographical Sketch
Claudia Carter is Professor in Environmental Governance and Planning at Birmingham City University and Course Leader of the Masters in Planning Built Environment programme.  Her involvement in STEAM research and the STEAM INC project came through Design Thinking and her inter- and transdisciplinary research experience.  Over the past 25 years, her research has largely been on environmental values, planning and management.  Her current interest centres around social-ecological challenges and transformation, highlighting the negative societal and environmental impacts of consumerism and profit-oriented policies and painfully slow awareness of, and responses to, rapid climate and environmental change.  Claudia enjoys working in inter- and transdisciplinary teams testing new approaches and methods, including exploring the creative process of board games as a way to facilitate engagement, learning and collaboration.  Previously, she held research, project management and editorial positions at Forest Research (UK Forestry Commission), the Macaulay Land Use Institute in Scotland, Cambridge University and the UK Centre for Environmental and Economic Development.

The city of Arts and Sciences in Valencia (Spain). A tangible sight of the efforts of architecture and society to unite the values of the Arts and Science cultures.

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