VSU Committee

The new Volta Students Union (VSU) Committee (Comitato Alunni in EDiSU vocabulary) has been elected on Tuesday the 11th of October. 

Nominations were received by the College Director by Friday 7th.  The list of candidates was published on Saturday 8th and candidates discussed their ideas in a General Assembly at 6.00 pm on Monday 10th in the College Lecture Theatre. Voting has taken place on Tuesday 11th from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm and yielded the following results:

Sladjana Ajdinovic, Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali, year 2 (2 votes)
Giorgia Fontana, Medicina e Chirurgia, year 3 (15 votes)
Francesco Zambrini, Medicine and Surgery, year 3 (22 votes)

Francesco Arena, Biologia Sperimentale e Applicata, year 1 (5 votes)
Arianna Armanetti, Scienze Fisiche, year 2 (4 votes)
Carmen Cardone, Electronic Engineering, year 1 (5 votes)

Student's representation and contribution to College life and development are taken in the highest regard at Volta and College is concerned by the low voter turnout (29.3%) in this post-Covid election. A range actions will be discussed and taken - jointly with the newly electd members of the VSU Committee - in order to enhance discussion and participation in College life.

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