The University is producing a professional video on 'Life and work at the University of Pavia' that will feature prominently students' life and work. Students are needed for this filming, and specifically:
- 20 students are needed on Friday 12 October at 3.00 pm at Biblioteca della Scienza e della Tecnica (the circular building facing the Department of Engineering),
- 10 students are needed on Friday 12 October at 5.00 pm at Kirolab (top floor, Golgi Spallanzani building, 9 via A Ferrata) and
- 30 students are needed on Saturday 13 October at 1.45 pm at the Eucentre building (a building at the back of the College, 1 via A Ferrata), .
Filming will probably require 15-20 mins (at each session) and I sincerely hope that a number of Volta students will take part in this worthwhile exercise that will promote the University across the world. Students interested in taking part should write to the College Director who will forward their names to the staff of Servizio Comunicazione di Ateneo.College also request that students who read this post may also inform other students less prompt in reading the College web pages.