The first TED event in Pavia coinciding with the TEDGlobal 2014 Conference South! in Rio de Janeiro, on October 8th has been organised at Volta by PhD student in Economics Francesco Ruberto and proved to be an outstanding success. The event saw the participation of nearly 150 students and lecturers lasted from midday well into the night and offered live streaming of Sessions 4 to 8 of the Conference (see below) as well several talks by local academics and industrialist including Stefano Denicolai and Davide Romano.
The so-called South part of the World that still faces major social, economic, environmental and medical challenges but is rapidly changing and with it the complex relationship with the developed world. The TEDGlobal Conference addressed a wide range of issues and topics in remarkable and proved to be an eye-opener for many young College and other University students. The full programme of TEDGlobal Conference South! cn be found here. The poster of the event in Pavia can be found here.
The list of participants in Sessions 4 to 8 is:
Session 4: Field Work
with contributions from O Yakobovich (human-rights activist), S Autessere (peace and conflict researcher), D Khoury (grassroots peace worker), Charmian Gooch (anti-corruption activist), Circle of Sound (world music duo), A Gurib-Fakim (biodiversity scientist)
Session 5: Urban Canvas
with contributions from R Muggah (megacities expert), J wheeler (social change advocate), S Yunsheng (urban planner), G Amoros (interdisciplinary artist), NB do Passinho (h=funk dancers) and Haas&Hahn (favela painters)
Session 6: Empowering Tech
featuring R Baggio (digital inclusionist), B Torturra (livestreaming activist), S Song (telecommunications activist), S Karim (internet datacaster), A Tijoux (singer & songwriter) and M Nicolelis (neuroscientist).
Session 7: Blueprints
T Azevedo (forester and sustainability activist), I Szabo’ de Carvahlo (policy reformer), M Fleming (voice for refugees), M Green (social progress expert) and Casuarina (samba band)
Session 8: Lenses
featuring W Freedman (astronomer), J Soto (cancer technologist), V Moon (filmmaker), N Vasconcelos (music icon), E Pisani (author) and J Nelson (last tribes photogrpapher)
F Ruberto, the organiser of the local TEDx event is reachable at <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In addition to working at the Department of Economics as a yr 2 PhD student, Francesco id secretary of the Volta Society for Viisting Students (VSIS) and the Volta Society for Economics (VSEC). The contacts for TEDx Pavia are: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , twitter: @TEDxPavia. facebook: