Supervisions 2016/17

A first draft of College teaching - largely supervisions - for the academic year 2016/17 is available and can be downloaded here and the list is shown below. Further information about individual individual supervisors and supervisions including synopsis/handouts of each teaching session, can be found in the College web pages on undergraduate teaching. College undergraduates are reminded that the Volta supervision programme is exists in order to promote the success of their University studies and subsequent employment and that attendance is compulsory.

Semester 1

Analisi Matematica I (S Spinelli)
Alegebra lineare/Geometria e Algebra (L Teodori)
Chimica Generale e Inorganica (R Paroli)
Chimica Organica 2 (L Fruga)
Biochimica (Scienze) (R Cacciatore
Living Molecules (C Casale)
Fisiologia Umana (V Carini)

Semester 2

Fondamenti di Informatica (P Burda)
Fisica (A Barone)
Chimica Analitica (G Libertella)
Chimica Organica (M Invernici)
Genetica (MC Renna)
Biochmica (Medicina) (J Tintori)
Fisiologia Umana (I Grassi)

Semester 1 and 2

Clinical Seminars (C Sgarlata)


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