On the 15th of October Roger Leng of the University of Alberta, Canada will give a talk at 5.00 pm on The p53 Pathway in Cancer and Potential Therapeutic Applications. The talk will be available online at the following link:
The product of the p53 gene is a transcription factor with crucial tumour suppressor functions. Mutations in the p53 gene occur very frequently in human cancers and contribute to tumour onset and/or progression. The seminar will discuss research the role of p53 in cancer and new approaches to restore p53 activity in cells that have lost it.
The seminar poster that can be downloaded here. Further details, including a seminar abstract and a biographical sketch of the speaker are available at this page. All College students are invited to attend, especially undergraduates and posgraduates reading Biology, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Medicine and PhD students incolved in life science projects.
Image: immunofluorescent staining of human cells for p53 (green) and actin (red).