On the 19th of October 2018 Manlio Vinciguerra, of the Institute of Translational Medicine at Brno, Czech Republic, will give a seminar on Cancer stemness and adaptive immune evasion in hepatocellular carcinoma in the College lecture theatre. Liver cancer is a major medical issue worldwide. In his talk M Vinciguerra will discuss advances in understanding the cell(s) of origin of human hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common type of liver cancer, and how these cancer cells are able to evade the immune system. All College students are invited to attend, especially those reading Medicine, Biology, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences. The poster of the lecture can be downloaded here. Further information about the seminar and speaker can be found here.
Image: differentiating liver organoids in culture. Courtesy of Meritxell Huch, Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge (UK).