Library Support

The College would like to thank the many students who expressed an interest in offering Library Support for the academic year 2014/15 and wishes to inform all College members that throughtour the academic year 2013/14 support will be offered by the following students:

Semester 1 (13 October 2014 - 13 March 2015): FR Tonlieu (Dental Medicine, yr 5) and R Verrillo (MSc in Construction Engineering, yr 3)

Semester 2 (16 March 2015- 30 September 2015): L Biondo (Pharmaceutical Sciences, yr 6) and C Francioso (Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, yr 4)

Students offering Library Support will be available for enquiries and loans from 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday in the small Library office adjacent the Director's office. New rules concerning book loans will come into place from October 2014.


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