Language Courses

The much awaited College language Courses will take off next week and will involve nearly hundred students: half studying English, half studying French or German. 

Two English Courses (B2 and C1) will be delivered by an external teacher appointed by EDiSU and were expected to start on Wednesday the 22nd of November.  We have now received a different communication from EDiSU stating that Courses will start next week and will involve lessons on two different days of the week.  This schedule is incompatible with the programme of supervisions and the College will contact EDiSU once more, solve the issue and confirm final arrangements to students. The English classes will take place in Seminar Room 2 (level 2, North wing) at 5.00 pm (B2 class) and 7.00 pm (C1 class).

The French Course, delivered by College member Ingrid R Ouandji, will start on Wednesday the 22nd of November at 5.00 pm in Seminar Room 3 (level 3, North wing).

The German Course, delivered by College member Claudio Neidhoefer, will start on Wednesday the 22nd of November at 8.00 pm in Seminar Room 3 (level 3, North wing).

Students enrolled in the English Courses have been informed of their class assignment. Students who have enrolled in the French and German Courses will be contacted shortly by Ingrid R Ouandji and Claudio Neidhoefer respectively in order to arrange their entrance test.






















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