‘A victory sweaty but deserved’ in the words of Delaram Farzin, College yr 2 undergraduate in Pharmaceutical Sciences, member of the Volta Students’ Union (VSU) executive and one of the organisers of the College team together with Beatrice Lena, MSc student in Physics and a number of other Volta undergraduates and graduates . Delaram’s words sealed the victory of Collegio A Volta in the 2014/15 edition of the Intercollegiate Treasure Hunt, an event that attracts interest and passion among students of all University Colleges in Pavia and constitutes a celebration of Collegiate life and spirit.
The College warmly congratulates its students for this new achievement that puts, once more, Collegio A Volta on the map and in the news.
Image: The team of Volta students who won the 2014/15 edition of the Intercollegiate Treasure Hunt.