How to Succeed at University

The students of Collegio A Volta are expected to reach and surpass the general requirements set by EDiSU, the general body that manages University Colleges at Pavia and that aims to widen and promote access to Higher Education. The goals of Volta and the other Colleges active at Pavia are set against a background in which a high proportion of freshers abandon their Courses after the 1st year at University and a further and significant proportion of students only complete their degree with a significant delay.

Collegio Volta is actively involved in searching for and addressing the causes for the high drop out reate and the delay in completing the degree Courses that students at Pavia experience. Further the College wishes to encourage its students to make a successful transition from their pre-University school to University life and has requested BG Smale and J Fowlie (both at Brighton University) to lecture in College. BG Smale and J Fowlie are the authors of:  How to succeed at University, a highly successful book that contains a wealth of information on how students should organise their life and study and how they should present their academic work.

The BG Smale and J Fowlie lecture will take place on  October 5th in the main College lecture theatre at 5.00 pm. The poster of the lecture can be downloaded here. A synopsis of the talk can be downloaded here.




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