Health & Safety Induction

On Wednesday the 4th of November at 6.00 pm a meeting will take place in the College lecture theatre.addressing College Health & Safety measures and matters.  The meeting is compulsory for students who have joined the College in the academic year 2015/16 but even students previously resident in College are strongly recommended to attend.  Key topics scheduled for discussion include:  the fire (alarm and evacuation (policy and procedures),  flooding and, in general the response to emergencies.  

At the end of the Helth & Safety induction, a brief discussion will follow about two additional and pending College issues, namely the low rate of enrolment into the English Courses, which is jeopardising the Courses themselves, and the failure of graduate members of College to nominate candidates for the VSU Committee, which is jeopardising the whole process of election of the VSU executive.


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