Freshers' week 2016/17

The first week of October is a very busy week at Collegio A Volta.  So-called Freshers' week starts with the Annual College Assembly in which College discusses the work achieved during the previous academic year and outlines plans for the forthcoming one both in terms of academic work, sport activity, extra-curricular development, house and community developments, rules and regulations, etc. 

Key components of Freshers's week are a series of meerings between College students and the University lecturers in charge of selected undergraduate Courses. In 2016/17 5 the programme includes six meetings scheduled over three different days and focusing on the following Courses: Bioengineering (1 Course), Construction Engineering (2 Courses), Biology and Biotechnology (2 Course), Pharmaceutical Sciences (2 Courses) and Medicine (2 Courses). 

A highlight of the 2016/17 Freshers' week is a lecture over the web given by BG Smale and J Fowlie of Brighton University, the authors of a very successful book (How to succeed at University) that offers notable advice to freshers the world over. Their Volta lecture will focus special on Personal Development Plans, a major tool that Volta will introduce starting from 2016/17. 

Additional components of Votla Freshers' week are a the foundation meeting for a University-wide Graduate Union, Health & safety induction and several social activities. 

The General Assembly will take place on Monday October 3rd in the manin College lecture theatre at 6.00 pm.  The poster of the full programme of Freshers' week can be downloaded here.  College students are reminded that attendance of the General Assembly, the Health & Safety indiction and the meeting with Course coordinators are compulsory.






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