The English Courses will start on Monday the 18th of November. A total of 43 College students enrolled in the Courses and have been assigned to a B1, B2 or C1 class. Thet wo main Courses (B1 and C1 will be held in College) with lessons every week on Monday (B1) or Thursday (C1) iat 6.00 pm. Seven students who have been assigned to the B2 Course will attend their Course at Collegio Cairoli and, conversely, students from other Colleges enrolled in the C1 Course will all attend the Course at Volta).
All College students studying English are entitled to borrow and use a IETLS textbook, provided by College, and the College Office has alreadt issued instructions about book collection.
Finally all College students who entered Emglish Courses are asked to attend a brief meeting on Monday 18th at 6.00 pm in order to clarify attendance rules and records.