English Courses

Collegio Volta is inviting students interested in the College English Courses to state their interest by sending an email to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before Friday the 27th of October. The English Courses are supported by EDiSU, are run by qualified teachers provided by a local organisation and, for the first time, they will be free (no enrolment fee).

The College will offer Courses at two levels in the B1, B2 and C1 range and the final choice of the levels taught will depend on the results of placement tests of the students enrolled.  Placement tests are paid by College and will be carried out in the 1st week of November on the University of Oxford language server.  College does not offer C2 English because a C1 level is sufficient for gaining access to postgraduate Courses at top British and US Universities and for securing competitive graduate positions in the job market.

The Courses will involve 2 hours of teaching a week either on Monday or Wednesday for 20 weeks (40 hours in total). They will start in week beginning on Monday the 13th of November and will run until the end of April with breaks for: Christmas (2 weeks), February examinations (3 weeks) and Easter (1 week).

Further information about German teaching can be found on the College web page in the relevant page of the section on Language Studies and in this further page of the section on College Courses.









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