Students Union

The College invites nominations for election of the executive of the Volta Students Union for the academic year 2018/19. After further discussions with EDiSU the College has agreed to elect six students to the executive in order to comply in full with EDiSU rules (although College typically hosts more than 200 students throughout the year, the number of placements at Volta in the records of EDiSU, University and Ministry is 198 and this qualifies College for a six students executive). Any member of Volta can stand for election and College is keen to receive a number of nominations well above the number of seats in the executive as this fosters internal debate. Three out of the six seats available are assigned to undergraduate members, three to postgraduates.

Nominations should be sent by email to the College Director by Thursday 18 October. The College requests that candidates hold a public debate/assembly with all College students on Monday 22 October at 6.00 pm in the College lecture theatre ahead of election day on Tuesday 23 October. Two ballot boxes will be available at the porter's desk from 8.00 am to 7.00 pm on Tuesday 23rd for casting votes for the undergraduate and postgraduate candidates respectively with the assistance of the porter on duty. The College expects strong participation of the students' community in this exercise of democracy.

Finally the new executive will consult with members of the 2017/18 executive on key issues as the latter Committee had fewer opportunities than teh committees in earlier years to shape College policy.

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