C Regalbuto

Top College athlete - and medical undergraduate - Corrado Regalbuto led the Italian light weigth cox-less four to second place in the University World Rowing Championship in Gravelines (France) in mid September. After finding themselves in 5th place halfway in the race, the Italian boat led by Corrado gained three places and finished second ahead of the British boat.

This is not the first time that Corrado Regalbuto makes the headlines and the College is delighted to celebrate once more this remarkable sportsman,  young academic and member of Volta. The College is also keen to see other students following into Corrado’s steps and taking up rowing at University. The first Collerge rowing machine was acquired in July 2014 and the purchase of a second  during the academic year 2014/15 will be discussed shortly.

The four athletes of the Italian 2nd place cox-less four in Gravelines  were: Corrado Regalbuto, Marcello Nicoletti, Stefano Oppo and Piero Sfiligoi.


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