Computers, Printers and Network

28 November 2016

This is the second and last part of the update about the College computers, printers and general IT support at Volta. The College would like to thank the staff in the College Office - Chiara Monlarini and Stefania Longo  and contract engineers Luca Ruzza and Davide Busnelli for their work toward this project and convey the following additional informationn to students:

Computers. Responsibility for College computers has now been transferred to an external computer engineering company that has responsiblity for maintaning both hardware and software.  The six College PCs are loaded with the following software packages:.   The four College iMacs are loaded with the following software: Open Office, Acrobat Reader, Safari and Chrome.  Students have responsibility for transferring/removing their data at the end of each session. Personal files left on communal College computers will be removed regularly as these computers are not deemed to act as storage devices. Request for new software and problems with computer access or performance should be submitted to the College Office or the College Director. 

Printers. The two Nashuatec printers now available have been tested extensively and perform well.  Both printers can also be uses as scanners and instructions on how to do so are posted in each of the computer rooms.  Requests for replacement cartridges - when ink levels become low - and any other problem should be submitted to the College Office.


8 October 2016

This is the first part of a post in order to update all College members about computers, printers and IT support at Volta.

Computer Rooms. The two main computer rooms (S72 in the South wing and G207 in the North wing are equipped with several PCs, details of which will be given tn the second part of the post and 4 iMacs: 2 in G207 collegiovolta_1 and collegiovolta_2, iMac1 and iMac2 for short) and 2 in S72 (collegiovolta_3 and collegiovolta_4, iMac3 and iMac4 for short). Both iMac1 and iMac2 have been misused and are being reconfigured although iMac1 remains usable. iMac3 and iMac4 only require minor reconfiguration.

Mice and Keyboards. The mice and keyboards of iMac1 and iMac2 require batteries and, when flat, students are required to take the hardware to the porter’s desk where they can be fitted with new batteries.  The mice and keyboards of iMac3 and iMac4 are rechargeable and, when flat, students are required to collect the connecting cable from the porter’s desk, recharge and return the cable to the porter on duty. Such connecting cables are no longer left in room S72 because several have been stolen.

Data Storage. The College computers, whether iMacs or PCs are not for data external. External drives are extremely cheap and students are expected to keep/transfer their data on their own external drives or on web but not on the College computers. There are a few folders floating on the desktops of iMac1, iMac3 anD iMac4 These will be discarded on Monday the 17th of October. The data owners, therefore, should transfer the data to their own external device before the 17th of October.

Printers. The College has replaced old(er) printers with two high-performance Nashuatec MP400 and MP500 printers (one in room S72 and one in room G207). The printer in S72 is operational. The printer in G207 will be operational on 17 October 2016 as the installation of a new wifi switch is  required. These printers connect wirelessly to the iMacs and PCs from which students can print. The printers operate via a card system; cards are available from the College office. Students load their own paper onto the printer in order to avoid (past) abuse of communal paper.

Troubleshooting. The College computers, printers and the wifi network are maintained by external contractors who also ensure upgrades of the system and educational software present on the computers. Problems of any kind should be reported to the College office.  Damage to College computers, printers and wife switches will be recovered from the students financial depostis.







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