EDiSU, the governing body of Collegio A Volta and ten further Colleges at the University of Pavia, has promoted an important one-day meeting in Milan about the role of the Colleges in University life and education. The meeting, whose full title is I Collegi Universitari. Un'eredità per il Futuro, will address past history as well as present and future roles of residential Colleges in University education. It will focus in the first instance the history and work of the Colleges of the University of Pavia and Università Cattolica of Università in MIlan but will also include presentations about the role of the Colleges in Universities abroad including Cambridge and Yale. A broad discussion about the future of the Colleges in the Italian University system will take place in the final part of the meeting.
All College students are invited to attend this meeting. The poster of the meeting can be found and downloaded at this page.
Image: Collegio P Fraccaro, one of the eleven Colleges governed by EDiSU in Pavia.