College Teaching

The long awaited 'Bando' EDiSU in support of College teaching and services - including library support - has been published.  The text of the call for interest is available at this page on the EDiSU website and the same page contains the links to two additional documents: a privacy statement and, most importantly, the application form.

All students of Collegio A Volta interested in teaching one of the College Courses, or one of the College tutorials or interested in offering library support must apply to EDiSU using the relevant application form before 12.00 noon on the 29th of November 2018. Applications must be taken in by hand to the Ufficio Protocollo at EDiSU headquarter at 26, via Sant'Ennodio, Pavia or sent by certified electronic email or by recorded mail.

Image: College students attending the 2017 EDiSU Open Day.



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