Access to Education - 2023

Collegio A Volta has promoted a major seminar series on Access to Education - 2023 that will review analysis and progress of education worldwide toward the year 2030 targetsse set by the United Nations in 2015.  The  series consists of two parts: the first addresses general and/or global questions, challenges and developments; the second will focus on education in Italy. The College is grateful to the United Nations Institutes, the other International Organisations and the Universities that will contribute to this major series with their staff and their research.

The series is a celebration of the life and work of Don Lorenzo Milani, the Italian Catholic priest who argued for and took upon himself the challenges and the tasks of education for the underprivileged.  Don Lorenzo Milani was born in Florence on the 27th of May 1923 and died in Florence on the 26th of June 1967 and Collegio A Volta has puposedly aligned the Access to Education - 2023 seris with the birth centenary of Don Lorenzo Milani. The poster of the first part of series on Education. Global Challenges is available here. The poster of the second part of the series on Education. Focus on Italy will be published shortly. A brief tribute to the life and work of Don Lorenzo Milani is available at this page.


Don Lorenzo Milani and several of his pupils at the school that he set up in Barbiana (Florence, circa 1965).

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