On Tuesday the 4th of April at 6.00 Silvia Montoya, Director of the UNESCO Insttute for Statistics in Montreal will give an online seminar entitled The Global tatus of Education. The seminar will be broadcasted in the College lecture theatre and it is the first opntribution to the College series on Access to Education - 2023. S Montoya will analyse and review the challenges and progress of education worldwide toward the targets set by the United Nations for year 2030.
The poster of the seminar is available here. The abstract of the seminar and a short biographical sketch of the speaker are avalable at this page.
School boys in Nigeria.
Collegio A Volta has promoted a major seminar series on Access to Education - 2023 that will review analysis and progress of education worldwide toward the year 2030 targetsse set by the United Nations in 2015. The series consists of two parts: the first addresses general and/or global questions, challenges and developments; the second will focus on education in Italy. The College is grateful to the United Nations Institutes, the other International Organisations and the Universities that will contribute to this major series with their staff and their research.
The series is a celebration of the life and work of Don Lorenzo Milani, the Italian Catholic priest who argued for and took upon himself the challenges and the tasks of education for the underprivileged. Don Lorenzo Milani was born in Florence on the 27th of May 1923 and died in Florence on the 26th of June 1967 and Collegio A Volta has puposedly aligned the Access to Education - 2023 seris with the birth centenary of Don Lorenzo Milani. The poster of the first part of series on Education. Global Challenges is available here. The poster of the second part of the series on Education. Focus on Italy will be published shortly. A brief tribute to the life and work of Don Lorenzo Milani is available at this page.
Don Lorenzo Milani and several of his pupils at the school that he set up in Barbiana (Florence, circa 1965).
The 2022/23 A Buzzati-Traverso lecture - entitled Engineering a Bacterium for Therapy - will be given by Luis Serrano Pubul of the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona at 5.00 pm on the 11th of April 2023 in the College lecture theatre. This annual lecture is organised annually by the College and Fondazione A Buzzati-Traverso to celebrate the life and work of Adriano Buzzati-Traverso, distinguished professor of Genetics at the University of Pavia from 1948 and the founder of International Laboatory of Genetics and Biophysics in Naples in 1962.
The poster of the lecture is available here and further information about the lecture is available at this page.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Courtesy of Stephen Gschmeissner.
The 2022/23 Marco Fraccaro - entitled The Evolution of Innate Immunity - will be given by Jules Hoffmann of the University of Strasbourg at 5.00 pm on the 5th of April 2023 in Aula U Foscolo,in the main University building in Strada Nuova 65. This annual lecture is organised annually by Collegi A Volta and Flli Cairoli to celebrate the life and work of Marco Fraccaro, distinguished professor of Human Genetics at the University of Pavia between 1964 and 2003 and Master of Collegio Flli Cairoli from 1970 and 2003,
Jules Hoffmann has made groundbreaking conribution to the study of immunity by unveiling the role of the Toll receptor pathway in immunity and for his work he receivd a share of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2011. The poster of the lecture is available here and further information about the lecture is available at this page.
Ugo Gianazza, professor of Mathematics at the University of Pavia and a former of the Department of Mathematics, will give a Course in College on Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics and Applications. The Course is addressed to MSc students in Mathematics, Physics, Engineering and Chemistry and College students enrolled in these course are welcome to participate.
The poster of this lecture series is available here. A list of key topics to be covered in the course is available on the poster itself.
Courtesy of CJ Howland (University of Cambridge).
On Thursday the 9th of March Marco Sandri of the Department of Biomedical Science of the University of Padua has given a College seminar entitled The Mitochondria, a Cellular Central Hub. The seminar provided a comprehensive account of the role of mitochondria in cell physiology and discussed how changes in mitochondrial function play a critical role in ageing and a number of disease conditions. The poster of the seminar is available here. Further information details of the seminar and a biographical sketch of the speaker are available at this page.
On Tuesday the 7th of March the College held its mid year Assembly. This Assembly, the first one after the Covid pandemic, was under-attendend (only 40-50 students were in attendance) but offers the opportunity to review the work of College members at the end of semester 1 and the work that remains to be done in order to ensure that most - if not all - students of Volta reach the credits and marks required by EDiSU, University and Ministry. One of the outcomes of the Assembly is a new round of interviews, to be held before the Easter holiday - with approximately 30 students who have underperformed in semester 1 in order to discuss with them the necessary remedial actions.