Volta Chinese Society (VCHS)

Over the last decade, the University of Pavia has actively pursued contacts and exchanges with several Chinese Universities and this has resulted in several schemes that bring each year Chinese undergraduate and graduate students to Pavia. The most advanced of such schemes is an MA Course in Construction Engineering and Architecture currently involving 15 students from the Tongji University of Shanghai who spend a full academic year at the University of Pavia, are registered with both Universities and secure a double award (a double degree) at the end of their Course. A number of these students live and work at Collegio Volta together with several visiting Chinese PhD students generally pursuing research in Science or Engineering. The Volta Chinese Society is a Society for Chinese studies, thus open to all members of the College regardless of origin. It aims to promote all aspects of Chinese culture at Volta, including the study of Chinese languages, culture, society, economics and foreign policy and will do so through meetings, discussions, films and documentaries. It will also engage in building further and direct links and students exchanges between the College and equivalent bodies at selected Chinese Universities.

Secretaries of the Volta Chinese Society:  2013/14 (vacant);  2014/15 (vacant).

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