
Volta plans to offer a Spanish Language Course at a single level: Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE) level B2 to College students (DELE tests can be taken at a number of Sopanish cultural Institutes (Instituti Cervantes) across the world. The closest to Collegio Volta is the Instituto Cervantes in Milan.  Following the pattern of College English, French adn German language Course, the Spanish Course under planning will involve 60 hours of teaching from mid November until late April arranged in 30 sessions of 2 hours each (two sessions per week). A poster of the Course can be downloaded here, a Course flyer can be downloaded here.

With the fall of the Spanish dictatorship in 1975 Spain has embarked in a successful journey of freedom and democracy in which Universities have played a major role. Spain hosts a number of fine Universities and Research Institutes and is a popular destination for Italian Erasmus students, not least because the Spanish life pattern is probably close enough to the Italian one.  College is detemined to implement a Spanish Course in order to ensure that Volta students moving to Spain make the best of their time of study there. 

The Course will be set at the standard required by the best Spanish Universities (the standard of language required differs at different Universities) and interested in the Course will be advised to take an online entrance test, such as the Spanish Placement Test offered by Oxford University that provides reliable and useful information about a student's entry level.

Every student at Volta is expected to study a language and currently has a choice of English (3 levels), French (1 level) and German (1 level).  Enrolment fee for all Language Courses at Volta for 2017/18 is expected to be € 100 per Course.




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