New Directions in Optical Microscopy

21th March 2018.  
W Brad Amos, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge              

The fourth seminar of the Light microscopy series will be given by William B Amos of the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge in the College lecture theatre on Wednesday the 21st of March at 2.00 pm and will address New directions in optical microscopy. The seminar will cover: Multiphoton microscopy on the one hand and Super-resolution methods on the other.  The latter inclu Optical (structured Illumination) and Photochemical (Stimulated Emission Depletion STED, Stochastic optical reconstruction, STORM and Photoactivation Light Microscopy PALM)discuss standardised distances in compound microscopes, lens aberrations, diffraction in the light microscope, Rayleigh resolution and Fourier synthesis. The poster of the series can be downloaded here.

William Brad Amos was trained as a zoologist, researched in cell biology and is now a designer of optical instruments. With John White, Mick Fordham and Richard Durbin in Cambridge, he developed an instrument that has set the standard of modern confocal microscopes.  Derivatives of this instrument are now made by many companies and are in use throughout the world. His scientific work is now carried out done in collaboration with Gail McConnell in the University of Strathclyde. This collaboration has resulted in several novel applications of optical physics in microscopy, including what is arguably the greatest design change in microscope objectives  for 100 years. This is called the Mesolens, the name signifying that it has the wide field of a photographic macro lens and the high resolution of a microscope objective. 





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