The College offers a basic Course on Latrex open to all students.  The Course will take place from October until mid December and will involve 16 hours of teaching arranged in 8 sessions of two hours each (one session per week). The College requests that each student at Volta attends a computing Course and, under current arrangements, students can choose between this Latex Course, a Web Design Course and a Course on Computer Coding.  There is no enrolment fee for any of the Course on computing. The poster of the Course can be downeloaded here and a Course flyer can be downloadd here.

The need to prepare and submit documents, from letter of job applications to complex documents such as dissertations, reports, book chapters, etc is an essential feature of life at University and the majority of graduate careers.  LaTeX is the quintessential 'what you see is what you mean' application. It is a high-quality typesetting system, ideal for the production of technical and scientific documents but much valued by scholars and professionals outside science and engineering across the worldwide. The Course will offer students hands-on examples on how to structure documents useing LaTeX with a particular focus on dissertation and reports. The Course is open to all College students, Handaouts of the 2017/18 course are listed below.


Pavlo Burda

01-02. Introduzione, composizione e matematica
03-04. Documenti strutturati & more
05-06. Documenti Strutturati, Figure, Tabelle e Bibliografia 04. Attendance


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