M Borrmans, Istituto Pontificio di Studi Arabi e Islamici. Roma.
A comprehensive analysis of the major themes that dictate the contemporary debate between Muslims and Christians. M Borrmans drew from a life of scholarly research and personal engagement to inter-faith dialogue in order to address the areas in which dialogue is ultimately the only way forward in order to avoid radicalisation and conflict. Mr Borrmans also highlighted the limits of the 'secular state', as exemplified by first and above by the French state, in the area of the citizens' right to hold and display their religious beliefs.
M Borrmans is a Catholic scholar and a member of the Society of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers). He has a doctorate in Letters from the University Paris-Sorbonne; lived in Algeria and Tunisia for twenty years and has been teaching Muslim law and History of Islamic-Christian relations at the Pontifical Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies (PISAI) in Rome over very many years. He has also been director of the journal Islamochristiana from 1975 to 2004 and has actively participated over the years in many Islamic-Christian Conferences in Mediterranean countries. His published works include, among others:
- Codes de statut personnel et évolution sociale en certains pays musulmans, Ibla, 1963,
- Statut personnel et famille au Maghreb de 1940 à nos jours, 1977,
- Orientations pour un dialogue entre chrétiens et musulmans, Cerf, 1981,
- Documents sur la Famille au Maghreb de 1940 à nos jours, (avec les textes législatifs marocains, algériens, tunisiens et égyptiens en matière de statut personnel musulman),
- Morsure sur fer, traduction de six nouvelles de Mohamed Aziz Lahbabi, Dar El kitab, Casablanca. 1979
- Orientations pour un dialogue entre chrétienss et musulmans, Cerf Paris 1981
- Tendances et courants de l’Islam arabe contemporain (Egypte et Afrique du Nord), Kaiser, Munchen, 1982
- Islam e Cristianesimo: le vie del dialogo, Paoline, Milano 1993
- Jésus et les musulmans d’aujourd’hui, Desclée, Paris 1996