Dissertation Writing

The College offers a short Course on how to plan, execute and complete on time a Dissertation.  The Course will take place in the second or third week of October, will last 6 hours and attendance is compulsory for final year students. The main focus of the Course will be on dissertation for undergraduate students but final year MSc students may find the Course valuable and are encouraged to attend. The dissertation constitutes the first piece of extended writing that Volta undergraduates face, as essay writing is seldom used as an assessment tool at the University of Pavia (or other Italian Universities). It is also a common and lamentable fact that dissertations often have to be produced in a short period of time and this is not always conducive to the production of a dissertation of the highest quality,  The Course offered by the College aims to fills this gap and give students a clear understanding of how a dissertation should be thoroughly planned before any writing commences, how the writing of diffierent parts (Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results and Discussion) should be executed in order to meet the desired objectives in the time available and which software is most apprpriate for best results (text editors, graphics packages, bibliograhy tools, etc). This is a truly valuable Course and an essential took in the hands of all College students.



Matteo Turchetti

01. Prima di iniziare
02. La stesura passo per passo
03. Discussione e bibliografia
04. Attendance.


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