Central Bankers and the Financial Crisis. Sinners or Saviours ?

4th November 2014. 
Donato Masciandaro, Universita' Bocconi, Italy

The seminar will take place in the College lecture theatre at 6.00 pm. The poster can be downloaded here. The second lecture of the Volta series on The Financial Crisis, originally scheduled for Monday the 27th of October, will be delivered instead on Tuesday, the 4th of November at 6.00 pm and will address the role that Central Banks have played in the management of the crisis.

The lecture will ask which were the monetary and financial drivers of the current Great Crisis? How to evaluate the ongoing strategies that the US Federal Reserve Bank and the European Central Bank are implementing today in order to avoid a Double Dip ?  The lecture will discuss the relationship between the monetary and financial policies implemented in the US and in Europe on the one side and the Great Crisis on the other side. Next the lecture will address which role  monetary policy and financial deregulation played in triggering the Crisis and  whether subsequent reforms and policy strategies can be consideried effective devices in addressing and fixing the risks of a Great Stagnation.

Donato Masciandaro was born in Italy in 1961, he is a Full Professor of Economic from 2001 andfFrom 2005 he holds the Chair in Economics of Financial Regulation, at Bocconi University in Milan. F rom 2013 he is Head of the Department of Economics, a role he had already covered rom 2008 to 2010.  From 2008  he is Director of the Paolo Baffi Centre on Central Banking and Financial Regulation. He is Member of the Management Board and Honorary Treasurer of SUERF ((Sociètè Universitarie Europèenne de Recherches Financières). From 2014 he is member of CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) European Capital Markets Expert Group, as well as Research Associate of the European Research Centre for Economic and Financial Governance, Erasmus University Rotterdam. He served as Visiting Scholar at the IMF  (International Monetary Fund) Institute as well as Consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank and at the United Nations. He is Associated Editor of the Journal of Financial Stability.


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