Ut Pictura Poesis et Poesis Pictura

15 April 2021. 
Patrick Boyde, St John's College, Cambridge

At 6.00 pm on 15 April 2021Patrick Boyde will give a lecture entitled: Ut Pictura Poesis & ut Poesis Pictura (subtitle: Simbiosi e interazioni tra Dante e i grandi artisti toscani all’epoca dei Comuni). The lecture will be online and is accessible through this link.

Patrick Boyde is Professor Emeritus of Italian at Cambridge University and Fellow Borderer of St John’s College at Cambridge University. He is a also a Fellow of the British Academy (1987), a Member of Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and a Honorary Member of the American Dante Society.  He received Gold Medals from the City of Florence (1995) and the Italian Republic (1998) and the title of ‘Commendatore Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana’ from Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, then President of the Republic for for outstanding contributions to Italian Culture.

Patrick Boyde has researched the work od Dante Alighieri from new theoretical perspectives at the crossroad of literature, philosophy and figurative arts. He published 5 books on Dante : Dante's Lyric Poetry (with Kenelm Foster, in two volumes), Oxford 1967; Dante's Style in his Lyric Poetry, Cambridge 1971 (translated in Italian as Retorica e stile nelle liriche di Dante, Napoli, Liguori editore, 1979); Dante Philomythes and Philosopher: Man in the Cosmos, Cambridge 1981 (translated in Italian as L'uomo nel cosmo: Filosofia della natura e poesia in Dante, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1984); Night Thoughts on Italian Poetry and Art, Cambridge 1985; Perception and Passion in Dante's ‘Comedy’, Cambridge 1993 (translated in Italian as ‘Lo color del core’. Visione, passione e ragione in Dante, Napoli, Liguori editore, 2002); Human Vices and Human Worth in Dante’s ‘Comedy’, Cambridge 2000, work that received the Sapegno Prize in 2002. The titles in bold are known among the scholars as Parick Boydes’s ‘trilogy’. Patrick Boyde is widely regarded as one of the major scholars of Dante’s work of all times.

The poster of the lecture is available here. The video of lecture is available here.

Dante's Inferno (canto XVIII) from La Divina Commedia Illustrata da Sandro Botticelli. Engraving on parchment, painted in ink and partly colored. At the Kupferstichkabinett (Museum of Prints and Drawings) in Berlin.

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