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College Courses

Volta students can now enrol in College Courses (Personal Development, How to Write a Dissertation, Computer Coding, Web Deisgn, Latex, Italian, French, German and English) by entering their names on the forms available at the porter's desk.  Enrolment should take place before Friday the 18th of October as College expects most Courses to start early in November,

English Courses will be given in College by members of the Centro Linguistico of the University of Pavia and attendance requires that students sit a placement test (Oxford Online Placement Test) developed by the University of Oxford and delivered online by Oxford University Press. Placement tests for the German and French Courses will be arranged and delivered directly by the student or junior member of University staff who delivers the Course. Students invited sitting the Oxford Online Placement Test should do so before the date indicated in the email sent by the Head of College and Oxford University Press in teh week starting on the 21st of October.

All College freshers are expected to sit the English placement test unless they hold a recent C1 certification. Other College students who know their level of English to be below the C1 grade should also enrol in the English Courses and sit the placement test, regardless of the fact that they may have sat the test before.  College will confirm the level of the classes available and further details of the Courses one the placement ttests have been completetd.

English are supported by EDiSU and enrolment is free provided that student attend a minumum 80% of the lessons scheduled.