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Academic Diary

As discussed briefly during the assembly of 7th October and the Freshers' meeting lof 14th October, College requests that students keep track of their extra-curricular activities in order to submit these data to the University and the Ministry for Education, Universities and Research (MIUR).

Briefly, tudents are asked to download a copy of a standard academic diary from the College website, print the diary on separate sheets - not back to front - and avoid stapling as this will hamper scanning for electronic data submission at a later stage. Students should complete the diary by recording their attendance to courses, supervisions, lectures, seminars, etc in College by entering title, date and duration of the teaching in hours where relevant,  They should also ask the supervisor to sign attendance at College tutorials and the head of College to sign attendance at external lectures/seminars.

All College students are warmly invited to keep an academic diary. Diary keeping is compulsory for students who have entered Collegio A Voltai after 1 October 2017.

Image: Two pages from one of Charles Darwin’s Beagle voyage diaries.