17 May 2023

The Harvey Medical Society, a student's group hosted by Collegio A Volta, is holding a meeting on First Intervention Medicine in the College Lecture Theatre on Thursday the 18th of May at 6.30 pm.  The guest speaker will be Dr Attracta Heffernan, MB, BCh, a graduate of Trinity College Dublin who has worked as an Associate Specialist in Accident and Emergency Medicine, Beaumont Hospital Dublin until 2020.

All medical students of Collegio Volta are invited to attend. The poster of the event is available here

Image courtesy of www.injurynet.com.au.

10 May 2023

Collegio B Griziotti is holding an interesting day meeting on 20th of May on Behavioural Eating Disorders.  Nutrition is a major health issue: half the deaths that occur worldwide before the age of 5 are due to under or malnutrition and 1.9 billion people out of 8 billions are obese.  Behavioural Eating Disorders are another significant health challenge. They frequently affect young people and have a major impact on the life, study and work of the persons affected.

The meeting of 20th of May involves local experts and will provide a valuable opportunity for addressing the topic. The meeting is open to students outside Collegio B Griziotti including interested members of Volta.

The poster of the event is available here

06 May 2023

Christina Redfield, Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Oxford will give a course in College on Macromolecular NMR starting on Monday the 8th of May each day from 2.00 pm in College lecure theatre. The Course wll be of special interest to postgraduate members of College reading Cheistry, Biology, Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences subjects.

The poster of the event is available here.  Additioanl information is available at this page.

Graphic representation of the NMR analysis of a protein showing that part of the protein is folded and part is disordered (courtesy of K Wüthrich).

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